CG Academy - Particle Flow Scripting 1~2 The Pflow Script Show
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CG Academy - Particle Flow Scripting 1-2 The Pflow Script Show -3dsmaxTraining
CD-1:500MB | CD-2:687MB | HF Links
This series of tutorials will introduce you to the power of scripting Particle Flow. Particle Flow is by design an incredibly flexible particle system. But even in such a flexible system there are blind spots and limitations that will hold back an FX TD from some goals. This series will show you how to break those barriers and make PFlow do exactly what you need it to do for you.
The first tutorial explains in-depth how Particle Flow works internally, its Channel system, Particle IDs and Event Indicies. It then goes on to show you how to access that underlying structure and power using PFlows extensive MAXScript integration.
In the second half of the tutorial Bobo shows how you can use scripting from both inside and outside of Particle View to allow PFlow to interact with, alter and be altered by standard3dsmaxobjects, lights and dynamic systems such as Reactor.
At over seven hours in length, this series is the equivalent of one whole days teaching, given by an Autodesk Master, and MAXScript guru. This Set represents outstanding value for money and will open a world of possibilities for any serious 3dsmax FX TD.
CD-1: 500 MB|CD-2:687 MB|HF的链接
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mmbk007 发表于 2022-6-8 16:56:45 | 只看该作者
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