
Realitone RealiBanjo KONTAKT | 185 Mb
Intuitive pattern player and animated GUI make this the most fun instrument you’ve ever played, as well as the best sounding banjo.
You can either play notes normally . . . or play chords (major, minor, dominant 7th, minor 7th or sus4) in the upper two octaves and RealiBanjo automatically plays authentic banjo patterns (“rolls”) for that chord! Six pattern styles to choose from (bluegrass to acoustic rock,) selectable via keyswitch so you can even switch pattern styles mid bar if you like. Legato note transitions (slides up or down.) Trigger these on those certain notes for a more authentic banjo performance. That’s because banjo players rarely pick every note when they’re playing “rolls.”
Legato triggered manually or with our special Auto-Legato feature! This automatically senses when a slide into a note would be appropriate. Okay, so maybe it’s not really voodoo. Here’s how it works: If two consecutive notes are either a half step or whole step apart, a banjo player would normally slide, rather than pick, from one note to the other. Auto-Legato does this automatically. Fret position for open strings (no capo, which is most common) or any fret position up the neck. Cletus moves his hand up the fretboard to confirm the position. Animated GUI! RealiBanjo is a completely professional instrument, but wouldn’t it be nice to have an instrument that your less musical friends might enjoy, too?
realitone realibanjo Kontakt | 185 MB
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Realitone RealiBanjo KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-31 23:01
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