Native Instruments Thrill v1.1 KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2018-5-24 19:34
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Native Instruments Thrill v1.1 KONTAKT | 30 Gb
Native Instruments has released Thrill, a new instrument that enables the introduction of terrifying live scores to movies, games, sound installations, or theater productions. Thrill combines the epic power of an orchestra with the chilling depth of expert sound design, houses them within a simple performance-driven interface, and places them into the hands of a single player.
NI say that using Thrill, a single person could perform the terrifying string tone clusters from The Shining, as Jack Torrance rampages around Overlook Hotel. An aspiring young filmmaker could single-handedly play all of Arrival's stomach-churning bass drones in just one take. The all-original 30 GB sound library is taken from 963 source sounds, including orchestral recordings and hybrid sound-design based on ambiences, custom-built instruments, voices, pitched metal, synthesized drones, and more.
Central to Thrill is an X-Y control for modulating effects and morphing between sounds. This control offers composers and sound designers something new – the ability to design and play complex cinematic textures and builds in real time. Simple and intuitive to use, the control blends between sound sources, effects, the number of sonic layers, general intensity, and more, depending on the preset being used. This X-Y modulator lends itself to trackpad, tablet, or even smartphone control (via TouchOSC), allowing sound-to-action interaction.
Thrill also comes with a powerful tone cluster designer. Tone clusters are a special kind of chord, containing at least three adjacent notes, and are one of the staple tools for generating fear and tension in any audience. Thrill offers 250+ diverse and editable cluster sound and voicing presets, using the many types of pitched sounds in the Thrill library, such as strings and horns. Tone clusters can also be built from scratch, with up to eight independently editable and modulatable voices.
为仪器的激动| V1.1 30 GB的接触
你说的是使用一个单一的激动,人可以perform弦音集群的terrifying虔诚的光辉,为全面rampages杰克忽略酒店。年轻的不安aspiring filmmaker单handedly即插即用的全部到达胃churning低音drones在一把。在所有30 GB的原始的声音从图书馆屋顶963冰源听起来orchestral唱片,包括混合的声音和气息的设计基于自定义工具,内置的声音,pitched,金属,合成drones,和更多。
中央到激动是X Y控制方法之间的modulating效应和morphing听起来。这个控制的受害者的作曲家和声音设计师-什么是新的能力,即插即用的配合物的设计cinematic textures和builds在实时。简单和intuitive对共混物的使用,控制效果之间的声源,声波,数层,一般的强度,和更多的depending预设,在被使用。这lends X Y调制器本身对触控板,平板,或甚至智能控制(通过touchosc),allowing声-行动的互动。
激动也有音和一个强大的集群的设计师。集群是一个特殊的音弦的面颊部,含有至少三个邻近的笔记,和是一个主要工具,对产生的恐惧和紧张,在任何audience。激动的受害者的250 +杂和编辑声音和voicing presets集群,使用的许多类型的大学pitched听起来激动的图书馆,如字符串和角。音也叫集群可以建造的虔诚的划痕,以达八independently可编辑和可调的声音。
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