
I - Drag & drop letters and elements
II - Adjust the luminosity of the neon tubes (off)
III - Add some extra glow using the brush tool
IV - Change the color of the neons
V - Create a white neon glow
VI - Create colored plastic/glass tubes using the « Off » neons
Thanks a lot for purchasing this Neon Alphabet Kit! Here are a
few quick tips on how you can customize these neon elements
using Photoshop.
I - Drag & drop letters and elements
All the alphabet and numbers elements are provided as layered PSD
files, as well as individual PNG files with transparent background.
In this tutorial, I will explain how to use the PSD files, but it will be the
same for PNG files (except they are not layered and each letter is an
individual file, so it may take longer to arrange the letters and create
Start by opening the PSD file of your choice (on or off version, numbers
or letters).
(The file may take some time to open, because it’s quite heavy and has
a lot of layers).
Once it’s open, you will see this setup - a folder for each letter,
arranged in alphabetic order. For more clarity, I’ve only activated the
visibility of the first folder of layers (Here, the letter A). It’s not
necessary to activate the visibility of the other folders, because this
document will actually only be used as a « toolbox » from where we’ll
pick letters and put them in a separate file. Also, it can slow down your
computer so I suggest only activating the other layers if you need a preview, for example.
So, just create a new document (File > New) with the dimensions/resolution of your choice - this will be our base to
drop the letters.
Once you create the new document (here called « Base composition », it will appear as a tab next to the current one,
at the top of the interface:
To transfer a letter to your new document, it’s very simple: grab the whole group of the letter of your choice, and
drag it up on the new document tab. Hover with your cursor on top of it, and Photoshop will switch to that
document. Now just drop the letter - done Repeat for all the other letters of the word you’d like to assemble.
II - Adjust the luminosity of the neon tubes (off)
The off/broken neons were rendered in a bright environment that’s similar to how they would look during daytime.
But depending on the situation, you may want to adjust them a bit so they fit with their environment better. In this
example, I’ll show you how to darken the neon tubes a bit for a dark/night time environment. Here’s a screenshot
from the Night version of the example scenes provided with this kit. As you can see, the words « Example scene »
and the « O » of « Neon » look a bit too bright (this is the default color). For that, we’ll use Adjustment layers - they
are non destructive and editable, which is great!
Let’s start with the « example scene » text. First, we’ll group all the letters
and words, so we only have to apply the effect once to the whole group.
Here, I’ve selected all the letters, and grouped them (cmd + G), and simply
named the new group « Example scene ».
Now, let’s add the adjustment layers: first, make sure your Properties
windows is open (Window
> Properties). This is where
we’ll be able to control the
settings of the adjustment
It’s currently showing
nothing, because we don’t
have any adjustment layers
To add a new adjustment layer, click on the little black and white circle icon
at the bottom of the Layers panel. A menu will appear - select « Brightness/
contrast ». (Shown here by the arrow)
We now have a new adjustment
layer. The problem is that it’s
currently affecting all the layers
that are placed below it - but we
only want it to affect the
« Example scene » neon words.
So, just right click on that layer
name in the Layers panel, and
select « Create clipping mask ». A
little arrow icon will appear,
indicating that it’s now only
applied to the layer below - in that
case, our Example scene group.
Now, back to the Properties panel, let’s add a negative value in the brightness settings - here -103. But it’s up to you,
feel free to adjust these settings until you get a nice result!
I’ve also added a Levels adjustment layers just to get a bit more contrast - again, click on the little circle icon, and this
time select Levels. Right click, and create a clipping mask as before.
For this one, I just pushed the black and white cursors a bit inwards in the
Properties panel, as indicated by the arrows.
For the « O » letter, I also want the same brightness settings, so just select
both adjustment layers and cmd + J to duplicate them. Place them above
the « O » layer group (it’s the only letter of the Neon word being affected,
so no need to create another group this time), and right click to create
clipping masks, like so:
III - Add some extra glow using the brush tool
By default, the neon letters come with some glow around them (in the PSD files, you can edit these layers).
But it’s always great to add some extra glow, that’s less limited to the edges of the letters, to create a more « diffuse »
Here’s a screenshot of how
the letters look « as is »,
without any additional glow
added. As you can see, the
glow is limited to the
contours of each letter and
doesn’t really reflect on the
environment, such as the
wall behind.
So we’ll simply
select the
brush tool,
choose one of
the standard
soft round brushes (make
sure the hardness is set to
0% to get smooth edges),
lower the opacity of the
brush a bit and modify the size
until the diameter is slightly larger
than the neon letters, and covers
Now, create a new layer and name it « Glow », and paint over your letters with the brush and a color that’s similar to
the base neon color (here, I avoided painting over the « O » since the neon is broken).
Next, set the Blending mode of the glow layer to Screen (Lighten or Linear Dodge can work too!), and reduce the
opacity a bit so the effect is more subtle.
And here’s the result!
IV - Change the color of the neons
The neon elements come in orange by default - but what if you want
another color? It’s possible! As before, we’ll simply use an
adjustment layer for this - this time, a Hue/Saturation layer.
For this example, I’ll be using the same scene than the one used for
the previous tip. Since I want all letters to be the same color, I just
created a Hue/saturation adjustment layer on top of all the other
layers. Note: in this case, all the background elements are black and
white, which means they won’t be affected by hue and saturation
since… well, they’re already desaturated. But if you’ve got a
composition where you have a colorful background and you want to
keep its original color, just group all the letters to which you want to
apply the Hue/saturation settings, and create a clipping mask as
shown previously.
Play around with the Hue and Saturation
settings from the Adjustment layer Properties
panel for all kinds of different effects!
V - Create a white neon glow
For this, the process will be very similar to the previous Hue/saturation settings, but we’ll just add a Levels
adjustment layers to make the glow « pop » a bit more. Here’s the same scene, this time with the Saturation set to
-100, so the neons are completely desaturated.
But in this case, the setup is a bit different: since the levels will also affect the rest of the layers (including the « O »
which already has its own adjustment layers, I had to organize it a bit better. So I took the « O » out of the « Neon »
group, and added a clipping mask to the levels & Hue/saturation adjustment layers for the rest of the letters
And here are the settings for the Levels adjustment
And a quick before/after (first picture only Hue/saturation, second with Levels)
VI - Create colored plastic/glass tubes using the « Off » neons
And finally, the last tip is about creating a « colored plastic tube » effect, like this:
Start by importing one or more letters in a new document. It’s important to choose the « Off » broken version - this
won’t work with the glow/on version. As a background, I chose a blue color Fill layer, with a paper texture set to
Multiply blending mode for a bit of texture.
Then, go to Layer > New fill layer > Solid color. A window will open, and just check the « Use previous layer to create
clipping mask » box - the ampersand letter being just below, only this layer group will be affected.
A color picker will appear, so you can select the color of your choice. Here, I chose a blue color that’s slightly lighter
than the background.
Set the blending mode of the color fill layer to multiply and here’s the
In that case I’ve also added a brightness/contrast adjustment layer
(with clipping mask as well) and increased the brightness a bit.

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精彩评论 9

typhon4h 发表于 2019-9-29 03:58:43 | 只看该作者
感谢分享 谢谢
10086zxc 发表于 2019-10-4 19:29:47 | 只看该作者
徐小胜2 发表于 2019-12-6 17:05:40 | 只看该作者
感谢分享 谢谢  这个可以有
bluce978 发表于 2020-7-27 17:04:12 | 只看该作者
圣古玥羚门 发表于 2021-7-15 13:20:21 | 只看该作者
markdorian 发表于 2022-5-23 18:19:08 | 只看该作者
really thank you man,,
gnbhf 发表于 2022-6-21 16:01:08 | 只看该作者


dqy 发表于 2022-7-21 10:15:56 | 只看该作者
海鸥伟伟 发表于 2022-9-3 15:25:08 | 只看该作者
PSD源文件霓虹灯风格C4D效果字母 The neon lights
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