
Pictures Thumbnails Maker Platinum Multilingual | 6.1 MbPictures Thumbnails Maker provides you with a comprehensive tool intended for creating picture collages and thumbnail sheets. The application can process a large number of images and comes with a predefined set of layouts that you can use.
The main interface is intuitive enough to allow even inexperienced users to get accustomed with the software really quick. On the other hand, configuring the conversion process is not as easy, since there are quite a few options to deal with. Nevertheless, the available preset configurations should be enough to get the job done without headaches.
Most popular graphic formats are supported and the application can also output animated GIFs and summary files in XML format. Several predefined collage layouts are available, but you can also create a static or a dynamic matrix with custom dimensions. Optionally, you can output each tile to a separate file or create a HTML gallery.
The maximum width and height of a tile can be set by the user, but automatic size adjustment is also an option. Practically, you can customize every aspect of the output, starting with the arrangement and tile dimensions, the font and colors, the sorting order, the gap between tiles, the background appearance etc.
Additionally, there are several options for changing the look of a tile. You can apply it outlines, white borders, shadows and contours, adjust its opacity, modify its resolution (which comes in handy for digital photos), change its position within the sheet, apply it a gray scale effect and so on.
You can filter the contents of the source folder by eliminating certain images (which are too small or have a portrait / landscape layout). Fast thumbnail substitution, preview function, tile watermarks, automatic output renaming options are some of the other advantages worth mentioning.
The integrated Picture Thumbnail Viewer is designed for opening the output of the main application, offering the possibility to view the original full-sized image, navigate through pictures and sheets in the current folder (the history navigation is recorded), recreate a selected thumbnail without regenerating the whole sheet and more.
Pictures Thumbnails Maker can assist you in generating beautiful image collages, with balanced layouts and picture effects. Advanced users might want to give it a try due to its feature set, while the user-friendly working environment makes it suitable for beginners.
Home Page - http://www.suu-design.com/
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Pictures Thumbnails Maker Platinum Multilingual
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