
Resolume为音乐娱乐场所(如舞厅)即兴配影像的创作工具。可以有3层影像,6种效果。前进、后退、变速和拖动播放影像,你可以自由的即兴创作甚至于不需要停掉影像。在世界上40多个国家里,Resolume是很多专业的VJ's 和影像艺术家的很好的选择 。
Resolume Arena 5.0.1 Multilingual | MacOSX | 1.05 GB
Resolume 5 comes in 2 editions. Avenue is the VJ software you know and love, Arena has all the features of Avenue plus features you'd expect from a media server, soft edging, screen warping, DMX input and SMPTE timecode input. Resolume Avenue can play multiple layers of full HD without skipping a beat and it can handle multiple live inputs to make it a virtual video mixing desk.
Live HD Video Mixing
Resolume puts you in charge. You can play your videos when you want, how you want. Forwards, backwards, scratch and adjust tempo to the beat. Mix and match your visuals quickly and easily and play Resolume like an instrument.
Intuitive Interface
Whatever your style is, Resolume offers you an easy interface to rock it. Use as little or as many videos and effects as you like. The only limit is your computer's raw power and your imagination.
From Your Local Club to Main Stage
You can play on any amount of screens. From a simple screen behind the DJ in your local club to main stage at Ultra. As long as your computer can recognise it as an output, Resolume will let you use it.
Projection Mapping with Arena
Project video on any type of surface. Complex geometrical structures or whole buildings. Resolume does all the hard work, so you can concentrate on the important part: being creative.
Blend Projectors with Arena
With edge blending you can seamlessly project one beautiful widescreen image with two or more projectors. It can even wrap around for a full 360 degree experience.
Project on Cars, Buildings or Pumpkins
With Arena you can take on any size mapping project. From projecting on DJ booths to cars, buildings and LED mappings on giant stages like Ultra.
Led There Be Light
Think outside the screen and colour the lights too! With Arena 5 you can send out colours to DMX fixtures and the lights will be in sync with your visuals.
Live Composite & Effects
Adjust the scale and position of your clips to suit your needs. Apply effects to drastically change the look of your video. Everything runs on the video card so you get the fastest performance and best image quality possible.
Audio Visual Playback
Resolume plays both audio and video files. Juggle pixels and composite beats, combine any video file with any audio file.
All Hands on Deck
Liberate yourself from the mouse. Use your favourite MIDI controller or get physical with your iPhone via OSC.
System Requirements:
- Windows 7 or later
- OSX Yosemite or higher.
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Resolume Arena 5.0.3 Multilingual MacOSX
  • 百度链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eRStiIu
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-30 03:26
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