本资源是由West One Music机构出品的的另类配乐专辑The Scoring House系列合辑中的第4部Natural Wonders

来自英国,West One Music (WOM) 旗下的一个系列,TSH主要是针对广告、纪录片或各种长篇作品所设计。相较起原WOM的音乐内容,TSH的音乐著重在原声乐器的演奏,音乐调性也较为柔美,是个特别强调质感与深度的新系列,适合各类长短广告或是任何典雅类型的作品。同时也承袭WOM的优良传统:精致、实用。
The Scoring House系列合辑1-57部中的第四部共有35首配乐
05 - The Open Plains (b).mp3
19 - Small Wonders (b).mp3
13 - Heat Haze (c).mp3
27 - Hunters and Hunted.mp3
21 - Genesis (b).mp3
35 - Nature's Carnival (b).mp3
33 - Dancing Light (b).mp3
26 - Hunters and Hunted.mp3
25 - Nature's Carnival (a).mp3
18 - Small Wonders (a).mp3
09 - Flying Free (a).mp3
10 - Flying Free (b).mp3
31 - A Curious Nature (b).mp3
08 - Pulse of the Wild.mp3
14 - A Curious Nature (a).mp3
32 - The Joy of Living (b).mp3
17 - The Joy of Living (a).mp3
01 - The Seeds Of Life (a).mp3
02 - The Seeds Of Life (b).mp3
11 - Heat Haze (a).mp3
34 - Migration (b).mp3
24 - Migration (a).mp3
20 - Genesis (a).mp3
22 - Genesis (c).mp3
12 - Heat Haze (b).mp3
29 - The End of the Day (b).mp3
03 - The Currents of Nature.mp3
16 - Life Reflections (b).mp3
28 - The End of the Day (a).mp3
15 - Life Reflections (a).mp3
23 - Dancing Light (a).mp3
30 - The Open Plains (c).mp3
04 - The Open Plains (a).mp3
06 - Fragile Beauty (a).mp3
07 - Fragile Beauty (b).mp3
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国外经典配乐WOM独特系列第四辑 04 Natural Wonders
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  • 发布时间:2014-5-11 00:00
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