
Spitfire PP017 Evo Grid 01 Strings KONTAKT | 22.83 Gb
An extraordinary collection of long evolving chamber strings orchestrated by ben foskett and recorded dry at air-edel studios providing you with a totally unique palette of inspiration with an ingenious grid layout that allows all but an infinite number of evo configurations. The true golden goose here though is the gift to composers that is the ability to play ultra minimal passages whilst still holding your listeners spellbound.
Performed by some of the most progressive avant garde string players in London today and recorded dry at the amazing Air-Edel studios via the finest vintage mics, neve pre-amps and vintage Cadac desk. Spitfire went about recording 48 different and very long Evos. Not just tense, mysterious and frightening Evos as with Scary Strings. But also intensely beautiful, tender and moving. Recorded across 12 intervals, and arranged on a 12 x 48 grid the true genius of this library lies in its interface...
With a GUI Inspired by the EMS VCS3 you can instantly select (or peg) what evo sits on each of the 12 key ranges. This gives you literally an almost infinite number of personalised configurations. Toggle your pegs around, or hit "Randomise", replay the MIDI and no cue will ever sound the same twice! The pièce de résistance here though is the ability to play ultra minimal music whilst holding your audience captive with the ever changing kaleidoscope of progressive string techniques.
Whilst playing the material orchestrated by Ben Foskett, we couldn't stop ourselves from creating an additional 5 grids of awesome warped, saturated and totally transformed versions of each and every Evo.
? 39128 groups
? 222708 zones
? 3324 samples
? 124897 seconds / 2082 minutes / 34.7 hours
? 34302 mb / 33.50 gb (uncompressed 24bit wav)
喷火pp017 EVO 01弦与22.83 GB |网格
一个非凡的收集长期演进室字符串策划由Ben Foskett记录干燥空气Edel工作室为您提供一个完全独特的调色板灵感的一个巧妙的网格布局,允许所有,但无限数量的EVO配置。虽然这里真正下金蛋的鹅是作曲家,是发挥超微小通道的能力而仍保持你的听众着迷的礼物。
一个GUI由EMS VCS3可以瞬间选择(或PEG)什么EVO坐在12个重点范围。这给你随便的个性化配置几乎无限。切换你的橛子,或点击“随机”,重放MIDI和无提示会发出同样的声音的两倍!虽然PIèCe De Ré性这里是发挥超简约音乐的同时,牵着你的观众的俘虏与不断进步的字符串技术万花筒的能力。
在材料由Ben Foskett精心策划的,我们不能阻止自己创建一个额外的5格的可怕的扭曲,饱和的和完全转化的版本每个EVO。
·124897秒/ 2082分钟/ 34.7小时
?34302 MB / 33.50 GB(压缩24bit WAV)
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Spitfire PP017 Evo Grid 01 Strings KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-28 21:48
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