
The PSI Vibraphone is a 1.9Gb 37 note virtual instrument using Native Instruments lossless .ncw compressed format samples. Each note of the 1960s 3 octave Premier 751 vibraphone has been meticulously sampled in our cinematic live room. “If a Vibraphones what you need, this one certainly does the business” 8/10 Computer Music Magazine Mark Cousins - senior writer Music Tech Magazine: "Compared to the sterile sound of many sampled vibraphones, PSI’s Vibraphone really captures the character and charm of the real instrument. Given the use of ambient mics placement (in addition to the close mics), you can really feel the air around the instrument, and as a result, the vibraphone tends to sit in the mix in a more naturalistic way. The PSI Vibraphone is a great choice for retro-style tracks, although it can also be a great addition to a virtual orchestra setup, or another productions requiring a more naturalistic vibraphone sound." Winner of MTMs Value Award. There are 4 main instruments: Sustain (pedalled) with soft and medium felt beaters Staccato (unpedalled) with medium felt and hard (rubber) beaters. All 4 have 3 velocity levels. The 3 bonus instrument are muted (hand muted unpedalled), Soft beater Vibrato and medium beater Vibrato (both using the original 1960s tremolo effect). All 7 instruments were sampled using 3 pairs of stereo mics: centre (close) Stereo (wide) Room (distant). For Kontakt V4.2 or above only - Not the Free Kontakt Player
Size:1.93 GB
PSI的电颤琴是一种1.9gb 37注意虚拟仪器使用本仪器无损压缩格式样本。”。每一个音符的上世纪60年代3倍频总理751电颤琴已精心抽取我电影直播室。“如果一个木琴你需要什么,这当然做生意”8 / 10电脑音乐杂志标记表兄弟高级作家音乐科技杂志:“无菌许多采样木琴的声音相比,PSI的电颤琴真捕捉真实乐器的特点和魅力。给出了使用环境麦克风放置(除了关闭麦克风),你可以真正感到周围的空气的仪器,作为一个结果,铁琴往往坐在混合在一个更自然的方式。PSI电颤琴是一个伟大的选择复古风格的曲目,虽然它也可以是一个伟大的添加一个虚拟乐队设置,或另一个产品需要一个更为自然主义的电颤琴的声音。“MTMS价值奖得主。有4个主要的工具:维持(蹬)与软质中觉得打断奏(unpedalled)中感觉和硬(橡胶)搅拌器。所有4个有3个速度水平。3奖金仪器静音(手柔和的unpedalled),打浆机中打浆颤音颤音软(使用原来的60颤音效果)。所有7个工具的使用3对立体声采样:中心(关)立体(宽)的房间(远)。为中国版或以上-不自由的中国球员
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