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Soniccouture Xbow Guitars KONTAKT | 8.79 Gb
A continuation of our acclaimed eBow Guitar instrument, Xbow Guitars showcases our further experiments with unconventional ways of playing guitars. The result is a suite of unique yet organic virtual instruments.
Guitars played with a violin bow. The result is very similar to a conventional string sound, but with its own distinct character. Four articulations were sampled, including playing with the wood of the bow (col legno). The main violin bow articulation is a dynamic crossfade patch, interpolating between the soft bow and the hard bow. Both acoustic and electric guitars were sampled. The ebow (Energy bow), is a hand held device that 'bows' the strings of a guitar using an electromagnetic field. It produces a unique guitar sound, with a very slow attack and infinite sustain. Acoustic and two electric guitars were recorded with vibrato and without, with high and low ebow power settings which can be crossfaded using the mod-wheel giving extra expression to your playing. Another unusual technique, in which an ‘electronic massage device’ is used to stimulate the strings. It’s an edgy sound, like a constant tremolo effect, ideal for atmospheres and effects. Both acoustic and electric guitars were sampled. A new version of the Godley and Creme developed device that attaches to an electric guitar and uses tiny rubber wheels to bow the strings. You can vary the speed (velocity) of the wheels on the device itself, which we then sampled to create a dynamic crossfade system in the virtual instrument.
用小提琴弓演奏吉他。结果是非常类似于一个常规字符串声音,但有自己鲜明的特色。四个关节进行取样,包括玩在船头的木(col莱尼奥)。主要小提琴弓关节是一个动态匀滑转换补丁,软弓和硬弓之间进行插值。采样是音响和电吉他。Ebow(能量弓),是一种手持设备,'弓'利用电磁场吉他的弦。它产生独特的吉他声音,以一种非常缓慢的攻击和无限的维持。声学和两把电吉他录颤音与无、与高、低ebow电源设置可以是crossfaded使用mod 轮给多余的表情,到你的演奏。另一个不寻常的方法,在其中'电子按摩器用于刺激字符串。它是尖锐的声音,就像不断的颤音效果,适合大气和影响。采样是音响和电吉他。新版本的Godley和奶油开发设备,电吉他的重视,并使用小橡胶轮子弓弦。您可以更改设备本身,我们然后采样在虚拟仪器中创建动态匀滑转换系统的轮子的速度(速度)。
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