
Chaos Software Time And Chaos 10.x | 6 MB
Time & Chaos is our award-winning contact manager and has been around now for twenty years! Our longevity is due to our mix of an easy to use but powerful address book of contacts, appointment schedule, to do task management and projects.
Time & Chaos 8 is a great choice if you need all the contact management but not the email features added to Intellect. Chaos 8 works great for individuals or shared workgroups on networks.
Major differences from Time & Chaos 7.x to 8.x
- Database file names have all changed. Names are now Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Projects.
- Databases have been redesigned and re-indexed and optimized for performance.
- Expanded field lengths for group names to 40 characters.
- ChaosHost cloud synchronization completely revamped to make it much much quicker!
- ChaosHost synchronization now has option to sync automatically every 15 minutes.
- Linked file shortcut capacity expanded to 100.
- Any displayed column can now be grouped on.
- Tasks now can support multiple linked names.
- New month view. It's fast and provides mouse wheel support.
- New docking panels on classic screen. Put 'em where you want, close what you don't.
- Columns: consistent, movable by dragging, selected with a right click on header.
- Quick Find speed improved.
- Simplified / fewer program options.
- Tree-view grouping on any column.
- Plain text notes.
- Consistent interface on custom fields (project entry, contact entry).
- Incredibly fast sync with folder to replace the old sync with removable media.
- Quick lookup on any sorted column.
- Mail Merge with MS Word from Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Projects.
- Contacts now support photos, and can sync through ChaosHost to/from your phones.
- Task Alarms.
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Chaos Software Time And Chaos 10.1.0
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-22 17:51
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