
DHI MIKE系列软件历经多年的发展,沉淀了丰富的工程经验,它将科学理论转换成应用技术,让您的工作如虎添翼。DHI MIKE系列软件能真实准确地模拟地球上整个水文循环——从山间溪流到海洋,从饮用水到污水等各相关领域。
DHI MIKE软件是实现水资源综合管理的一个软件工具包,能为河流水动力及环境模拟提供功能强大的支持。DHI MIKE可以实现河网、水库、地下水、城市水等的联合调度与优化、干旱管理、溃坝洪水分析、实时洪水预报和洪泛图的绘制,帮助决策者制定最优化的水资源调度方案。同时软件还可以实现一、二、三维水动力与水质模块的耦合计算,从而可以实现河道泥沙、污染物传输、生态环境的模拟与综合管理。DHI MIKE软件提供了二次开发接口,结合区域现状调查、模型搭建,可开发符合当地实际的水资源环境风险事件管理系统,实现区域有关水资源信息的查寻和检索。
DHI MIKE Urban 2012 SP3 | 4.5 Gb
MIKE URBAN is a flexible system for modeling and design of water distribution networks and collection systems for wastewater and storm water.
MIKE URBAN - combines DHI's 20-year tradition of leadership in simulation engines with ESRI's world leading GIS technology. The result is a software product that defines a new industry standard in modeling water distribution and urban drainage networks. MIKE URBAN is the urban water modelling software of choice when the important parameters for model selection are usability, work flow, openness, flexibility and GIS integration as well as physical soundness, efficiency and stability of simulation engines.
With MIKE URBAN you have:
- GIS-based model building and management
- Powerful hydraulic simulation engines
- Integrated water quality, fire flow, real time control and water hammer simulation (water distribution)
- Integrated water quality, sediment transport, real-time control, dynamic pipe design and long-term statistics (collection systems)
- Full undo and redo capability in all editors
- Thematic mapping and integrated dynamic result visualisation
- Open data models - easy integration with other applications
Fixed issues in DHI MIKE Urban 2012 Service Pack 3:
Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well.
- In rare cases the license system consumes a large amount of memory
- Result verification sometimes fails
- Sediment Transport results (*.SRF-files) cannot be loaded
- Min and max water level cannot be plotted on longitudinal profiles for SWMM results
- PumpInfoValues displays incomplete data for the pump curve.
- Pipe Criticality tool cannot be used with Global settings
- MOUSE ST calculations can hang shortly after start
- MOUSE does not detect Pressurized Collection System simulations and provides correct error messages
- Pump solutions can sometimes becomes unstable
- The water level of MOUSE Tail Node level is not set correctly for pressurized networks having multiple/intermediate tail nodes and gravity sections
- User Written Control (UWC) does not work for some UWC dll's with 64-bit MOUSE engine
- Floating point numbers from Oracle are imported as integers
- Problems exporting some database tables to Excel
- Using the office module in a PCS simulation (Pressurized Collection System) is not possible
- The geometric network would sometimes not be destroyed before switching scenarios
- EPANET hydrant has problems reporting Q-H curve in a partial range

About MIKE by DHI software
MIKE by DHI software is the result of years of experience and dedicated development. It transforms science into practice and gives you the competitive edge. MIKE by DHI truly models the world of water - from mountain streams to the ocean and from drinking water to sewage.
Name:DHI MIKE Urban
Version:2012 SP3 (including ESRI ArcGIS 10.1 SP1)
OS:Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size:4.5 Gb
Special Thanks LAVTeam
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DHI MIKE Urban 2012 SP3
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  • 发布时间:2016-5-26 13:38
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