Fusion 360核心要点训练视频教程 Pluralsight fusion 360 essentials
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  • 发布时间:2016-7-14 12:19
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教程中文名称:Fusion 360核心要点训练视频教程
教程英文名称:Pluralsight fusion 360 essentials
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程使用软件:Fusion 360
教程作者: Jomarc Baquiran

使用Fusion 360,让我们制作高品质的渲染时比以往更加容易。本教程中,我们将学习Fusion 360的关键知识技巧,重点学习绘制草图的约束和零件建模。在一个典型的3-4天的CAD教程中,草图和零件建模知识的学习会占用我们一半的时间。本教程中,首先,我们将学习绘制草图和参数模式中草图约束的重要性。然后我们继续学习在绘图环境中,创建复杂的自由形式几何形状的几种策略,也会学习将各零件合成的操作步骤。最后,我们将创作出效果惊人的渲染和技术性的绘图并在市场中进行交流。课程的结尾,我们会清晰地理解和掌握绘制草图的约束和零件建模的知识,这两方面是参数化CAD建模的重要知识。课程使用软件: Fusion 360。
Pluralsight fusion 360 essentials
With Fusion 360, creating high-quality renders that are manufacturable and market-ready is easier than ever. In this course, you’ll learn essential areas of Fusion 360, focusing on sketch constraints and part-modeling. Software required: Fusion 360.
Sketches and part-modeling in a typical 3-4 day CAD class usually consumes 50% of your time. In this course, Fusion 360 Essentials, you will learn and explore all the essential areas of Fusion 360. You’ll start by discovering the areas of sketch creation and the importance of constraints in parametric mode. Moving forward, you will explore the various strategies on creating complex free-form geometries in the sculpt environment, as well as exploring joining parts into assemblies. Lastly, you’ll create stunning renders and technical drawings for you to communicate our design into marketing and manufacturing. By the end of this course, you will have obtained clear understanding and mastery of sketch constraints and part modeling–both very important aspects of parametric CAD modeling. Software required: Fusion 360.
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精彩评论 2

RealMadrid 发表于 2017-6-11 18:52:18 | 只看该作者
阿潮Victor 发表于 2018-1-29 14:44:43 | 只看该作者


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