The Museum is closed
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  • 发布时间:2012-9-24 19:12
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The Museum is closed/关闭的博物馆(maxwell渲染场景)

There are a few reasons why I have been absent from the blog in the  past few weeks. One was a totally undeserved holiday. Another was that  I’ve been busy working on the Museum competition organised by Ronen Bekerman.  The challenge was to produce a photorealistic take on Mies van der  Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin. My own take was to stage a  fictitious exhibition by Berlin-based artist Olafur Eliason  in the NNG, entitled, “The Field Project” (a pseudo-intellectual  reference to the magnetic field, which was the main research subject of James Clerk Maxwell, who posthumously lent the renderer its name).
有几个原因为什么我一直没有更新博客在过去几周,一个是完全不值得的节日。另一个是,我最近一直在忙Ronen Bekerman举办的博物馆竞赛。挑战是生产一个照片级 柏林的Mies van der  Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie。我的任务是一个虚构的展览由总部位于柏林的艺术家奥拉维尔·Eliason,题目是“现场项目”
The competition has now closed so I’m allowed to show off my  submissions here. It was a lot of fun working with Maxwell. As someone  who uses Vray 90 per cent of the time, I also like to keep an eye on  alternative options and own licences of several other renderers,  including Maxwell. I think every tool has specific situations at which  they excel and a complete artists should have a few of them in her  arsenal. I had always thought of Maxwell as an ideal tool for product  visualisation and small-scale scenes and had not expected it to perform  so pleasantly (and so fast) on such large scale environments.
Of course, unfamiliar tools will always come with a degree of  frustration. With Maxwell, these have mainly to do with the lesser  degree of integration in Max, especially as far as materials, and in  particular procedurals, are concerned, or the lack of a genuine proxy  system (i.e. one that invokes a mesh that does not reside in the scene  but elsewhere on disk). So some things may take a bit longer to set up.
On the other hand, the realistic nature of the renders pretty much  out of the box and the very predictable render times play in Maxwell’s  favour. In Vray, one can spend a very long time tweaking the myriad  parameters in order to achieve reasonable render times. The generally  longer render times in Maxwell are partly offset by not having to do  these tweaks, especially if you are doing large-scale, high-quality  stills, where you would need to push Vray’s quality settings quite high  and may therefore hit some pretty serious render times too.
The image above was not among my final submissions but merely an  attempt at faking a night-time, long-exposure shot. My finals are below,  followed by some random snapshots and tests.
Make sure you visit the competition’s forum at take a look at all the great submissions.
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精彩评论 4

luolxxx 发表于 2016-6-12 15:54:04 | 只看该作者
buzhixiesm1 发表于 2016-9-10 10:59:43 | 只看该作者
Digital Tutors - Rendering a Photorealistic Toy Scene in Maxwell RenderDigital Tutors - Rendering a Photorealistic Toy Scene in Maxwell Render
kill9413 发表于 2016-11-1 09:15:01 | 只看该作者
whq7758714 发表于 2017-6-13 17:26:31 | 只看该作者
这个是什么东西 我要看下
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