Maya三维场景灯光材质着色器设置教程 Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol 2: Shading & Texturing
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  • 发布时间:2021-8-11 17:22
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Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1920x1080 29.97fps 176kbps | Audio: AAC 48000Hz stereo 128kbps
Genre: eLearning | Duration: 281 mins | Language: English | File size: 1.3 GB image (7).jpg
Strengthen your understanding of look development and explore the core differences between real-world materials and CG shaders in this 4.5-hour workshop by Adrien Vallecilla. Building upon the theory shared in Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol 1: Lighting Theory, Adrien reveals how to recreate the natural phenomena of real materials using 3D tools to add realism to your scenes with realistic textures and shaders.

To demonstrate some of the different approaches to look dev, Adrien showcases his strategy when doing look development for vehicles and human characters, before concluding the workshop with a detailed look at the still-life scene created in Volume 1. Follow along as Adrien discusses how to add an extra layer of realism to his scene using a non-destructive procedural workflow.
While this workshop demonstrates Adrien’s texturing and shading methods using Maya and Redshift, the knowledge is transferable to other 3D software and rendering engines, with the focus kept on the fundamentals and theory. The files used in this workshop include assets from HDRI Haven, a free 3D head model from 3Dscanstore, a free car model from Turbosquid, and a free fire hydrant model also from Turbosquid.

视频:MPEG4 视频 (H264) 1920x1080 29.97fps 176kbps |音频:AAC 48000Hz 立体声 128kbps 3AMwwj3fNtOb04sDY0xmz4svFv4gknnh.jpg
类型:在线学习 |时长:281 分钟 |语言:英语 |文件大小:1.3 GB
在这个由 Adrien Vallecilla 主持的 4.5 小时研讨会中,加强您对外观开发的理解并探索现实世界材料和 CG 着色器之间的核心差异。基于在 Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol 1: Lighting Theory 中分享的理论,Adrien 揭示了如何使用 3D 工具重现真实材质的自然现象,通过逼真的纹理和着色器为您的场景增添真实感。
为了演示外观开发的一些不同方法,Adrien 展示了他在为车辆和人物角色进行外观开发时的策略,然后在研讨会结束前详细介绍了第 1 卷中创建的静物场景。跟随 Adrien 讨论如何使用非破坏性程序工作流程为他的场景添加额外的真实感。
虽然本次研讨会使用 Maya 和 Redshift 演示了 Adrien 的纹理和着色方法,但这些知识可以转移到其他 3D 软件和渲染引擎,重点放在基础知识和理论上。本次研讨会中使用的文件包括来自 HDRI Haven 的资产、来自 3Dscanstore 的免费 3D 头部模型、来自 Turbosquid 的免费汽车模型以及同样来自 Turbosquid 的免费消防栓模型。

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