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VrayPattern 1.1.15b 3ds max 2011 - 2013 Win64
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pLrN4t9 密码:2f1k
VRayPattern 1.068 for 3ds Max 2014-15
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgCAniw 密码: omg8
VRayPattern - V1.075 For 3ds Max 2015 - 2016
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSM2uVS 密码:xj5w
VRayPattern 2.043 for Maya 2014-2017
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1skCNDCD 密码: e84y
VRayPattern 1.080 for 3ds Max 2010-2019
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1l_L4EPLRPFZG00V_n_oYWA 提取码: v81u
VrayPattern 1.1.15b 3ds max 2011 - 2013 Win64VRayPattern 1.068 for 3ds Max 2014-15VRayPattern - V1.075 For 3ds Max 2015 - 2016VRayPattern 2.043 for Maya 2014-2017VRayPattern 1.080 for 3ds Max 2010-2019VrayPattern是一款基于物体贴图轴进行2D置换三维几何体的插件,低内存占用、超快速渲染、无限复制。有人会感觉这个插件和MultiScatter或VRayScatter没什么区别,都是做复制阵列的,但是VRayPattern是基于贴图轴运作的,所以它能够实现一些其他插件实现不了的阵列。VrayPattern is a plug-in for 3dsmax and V-Ray VRayPattern allows you periodically multiply geometry without extra memory consumption.As a sample you can use any tiled geometry (or whose with unobtrusive joints)The plug-in best used where huge amount of geometries required, but without great accuracy
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