
tag 标签: Modeling


版块 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
Gumroad - Modeling An Engine Modeling by David Lesparance attach_img Photoshop 教程-素材 2015-9-1 1 630 markdorian 2022-1-20 05:16 PM
Lynda - Modeling a Staircase With AutoCAD Tutorial attach_img AutoCAD 教程-素材 2015-3-30 5 1081 流星雨的眼泪 2021-10-25 05:09 PM
Udemy - Modeling a 3D Crate in 3ds Max attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2015-8-24 1 626 mmbk007 2019-9-23 05:17 PM
Gumroad - 3D Creature Modeling for Production attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2015-7-23 15 1637 mmbk007 2022-6-5 06:59 PM
Digital Tutors - High Poly Robot Modeling For Games in Max attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2015-6-21 4 932 mmbk007 2022-6-5 07:09 PM
Digital Tutors - Modeling a Hard Surface Sci-Fi Asset in 3ds Max attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2015-7-21 3 849 mmbk007 2022-6-5 07:02 PM
Cgtuts+ - Modeling The F-16 Fighter Jet in 3D Studio Max attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2015-5-19 24 2088 mmbk007 2022-6-5 07:24 PM
3DMotive - Camera Modeling Volume 1-3 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2015-5-26 0 526 教程-素材 2015-5-26 04:43 PM
Gumroad - Hard Surface 3D Modeling for Production attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2015-3-7 3 862 mmbk007 2019-9-23 05:39 PM
3DMotive - The Radio Modeling Series Volume 1-3 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-12-8 1 582 mmbk007 2021-9-12 10:09 AM
Gumroad - Modeling An Engine Modeling by David Lesparance attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-12-9 20 3069 mmbk007 2022-6-7 08:32 PM
InfiniteSkills - Character Modeling in 3ds Max attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-3-20 0 489 教程-素材 2014-3-20 02:44 PM
Digital Tutors - 10 Ways to Improve Your Modeling in 3ds Max attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-2-17 2 460 fir3on 2019-11-15 03:09 AM
3DMotive - Next-Gen Weapon Modeling Volume 1-4 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-3-26 1 621 flyfoy 2021-10-7 01:25 PM
3D Palace - Modeling AUDI A3 Sportback in 3D MAX attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-1-24 3 795 fir3on 2019-11-15 03:10 AM
digitaltutors - 3ds Max 多边形和细分建模工作流程 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-2-3 5 968 大雄08 2018-2-12 11:21 AM
Digital Tutors - Quick Start to Modeling in 3ds Max Volume 1-5 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2013-11-25 4 745 mmbk007 2022-6-7 08:28 PM
cmiVFX - Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualization Modeling attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2013-10-31 3 918 fir3on 2019-11-15 03:12 AM
Viscorbel -All free stuffs attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2013-10-21 0 558 教程-素材 2013-10-21 04:28 PM
Autodesk 3ds Max2014精粹 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2013-8-6 4 847 peterhill 2016-5-29 05:43 PM


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