Nuke入门到精通教程2 Mastering Nuke vol 2 – Introduction to 3D and Matte Painting Projections
  • 发布时间:2021-9-3 08:34
  • 人       气:552
  • 回复数量:2
嗨,大家好!欢迎来到 CGCircuit 的新课程,Nuke 中的 3D 和哑光绘画投影简介。在本教程中,您将学习 Nuke 强大的 3D 功能。几何创建、着色、照明、动画、相机投影等。我们将使用 Nuke 的 3D 功能来创建动画哑光绘画。要学习合成,您需要练习,在这里,您将能够将这些技能应用于令人惊叹的具体示例。此外,本课程将教您主要视觉效果工作室使用的技术和工作流程。

在本教程结束时,您将有信心在 Nuke 中使用 3D,并能够创建自己的哑光绘画或照片并为其制作动画。我是弗洛里安·吉拉多。我是一名资深视觉效果师,专攻合成。我在电影行业工作了 10 多年。我最近的一些项目包括死侍 2、皮卡丘侦探和蜘蛛侠远离家乡。

整个课程基于我的专业和教学经验。在第一章中,您将了解如何使用几何图形、灯光、着色器和相机在 Nuke 中创建 3D 场景。在第二章中,您将学习最重要的合成技术之一,相机投影。您还将学习如何分解 Photoshop 文件。然后,在第三章中,您将了解什么是深度通道,以及如何使用它来为您的作品评分和应用景深。最后,在最后一章中,您将学习一种为您的哑光绘画增添更多活力的技巧。

- 在 Nuke 中学习 3D 系统的基本组件
- 使用相机
- 通过扫描线渲染渲染 3D 场景
- 使用相机投影
- 使用多层 photoshop 文件
- 使用深度通道
- 使用 Zdefocus 节点

Hi guys! Welcome to the new course on CGCircuit, Introduction to 3D and matte-painting projection in Nuke. In this tutorial, you’ll get to learn the powerful 3D functions of Nuke. Geometry creation, shading, lighting, animation, camera projection and more. We will use Nuke’s 3D abilities to create an animate matte-painting. To learn compositing, you need practice, and here, you’ll be able to apply those skills on a stunning concrete example. In addition, following this course will teach you the techniques and workflows used by major visual effects studios.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be confident using 3D in Nuke, and be able to create and animate your own matte-paintings or photos. I’m Florian Girardot. I’m a senior visual effect artist specializing in Compositing. I’ve been working in the movie industry for more than 10 years. Some of my recent projects include Deadpool 2, Detective Pikachu and Spiderman Far From Home.

This entire curriculum is based on both my professional and teaching experiences. In the first chapter, you will discover how to create a 3D scene in Nuke using, geometries, lights, shaders and cameras. In the second chapter, you will learn one of the most important compositing techniques, camera projection. You will also learn how to breakdown a Photoshop file. Then, in the third chapter, you will learn what a depth channel is, and how to use it to grade your comp and apply depth of field. Finally in the last chapter, you’ll learn a technique to add more life to your matte-painting.

Some of the key takeaways of this course are:
-Learn the essential components of a 3D system in Nuke
-Work with cameras
-Render a 3D scene through a Scanline Render
-Work with camera projection
-Work with multi layers photoshop files
-Work with the Depth Channel
-use the Zdefocus Node

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精彩评论 2

danielxu 发表于 2021-9-4 07:08:21 | 只看该作者
mmbk007 发表于 2021-9-5 06:30:06 | 只看该作者
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