ZBrush 2020全面基础入门教程 Introduction to Zbrush 2020
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  • 发布时间:2021-8-31 18:44
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包含时长 21 小时的项目文件 MP4

标题:Gnomon Workshop – Zbrush 2020 简介 – Madeleine Spencer
欢迎来到由玛德琳·斯宾塞 (Madeleine Spencer) 介绍的 ZBrush 2020 简介,这是 Pixologic ZBrush 最全面的视频培训系列。
该系列共有 54 章和超过 20 小时的讲座,首先是针对 ZBrush 新手的快速入门教程。 Madeleine 首先从球体雕刻人物半身像,同时教授核心 ZBrush 概念,例如动态、细分级别、ZBrush 界面和导航。随后的章节提供了深入的课程,几乎涵盖了软件的所有方面,使艺术家能够创建角色、生物和道具,无论它们是有机的还是硬表面的。作为艺术家的工具,ZBrush 允许对几乎任何可以想象的事物进行建模和雕刻。

在快速入门课程之后,Madeleine 深入研究了无数主题,例如界面自定义、热键、各种雕刻工具和技术、3D alpha、自定义画笔、插入多网格、阵列网格、纳米网格、矢量置换画笔等等!她演示了 ZBrush 中的硬表面雕刻以及多边形建模工具,包括 ZModeler、拓扑笔刷和 Zremesher。还讨论了作为 3D 打印工具的 ZBrush,其中有一章专门探讨使用 Decimation Master 插件准备打印模型的过程。

ZBrush 不仅是一个强大的雕刻工具,还是一个强大的 3D 绘画程序。 Madeleine 通过从她 20 年的电影行业经验中汲取的详细绘画技巧示例展示了多色绘画、UV 大师和聚光灯。

使用 Lightcaps、HDR 图像解释了使用 ZBrush 渲染,如何自定义和理解 ZBrush 材质菜单,然后在 ZBrush 内部渲染图像或使用 Keyshot 在外部渲染图像。我们还研究了如何提取用于电影、电视和游戏管道的置换、法线和颜色等贴图。讨论和演示了 ZBrush 2020 中的新工具,包括令人兴奋的新工具,例如提取器画笔、装饰画笔、历史回忆画笔、调整颜色、Polypaint 蒙版、在 Morph UV 表面上雕刻和绘画等等!

对于刚接触 ZBrush 的艺术家、希望复习工具的人或对探索 2020 年新功能感兴趣的用户,本系列提供了丰富的知识,这些知识组织成章节,旨在按顺序或单独访问需要的基础。以玛德琳·斯宾塞 (Madeleine Spencer) 为指导,ZBrush 的强大功能将揭开神秘面纱,使您能够使用这款极其强大的艺术家工具进行 3D 创作。
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Duration 21h Project Files Included MP4

Title: The Gnomon Workshop – Introduction to Zbrush 2020 – Madeleine Spencer
Welcome to Introduction to ZBrush 2020 presented by Madeleine Spencer, the most comprehensive video training series available for Pixologic ZBrush.

With 54 chapters and over twenty hours of lecture, the series begins with a Quickstart tutorial for those entirely new to ZBrush. Madeleine begins by sculpting a character bust from a sphere while teaching core ZBrush concepts such as dynamesh, subdivision levels, the ZBrush interface, and navigation. Subsequent chapters offer in-depth lessons that cover virtually all aspects of the software, enabling the artist to create characters, creatures and props be them organic or hard-surface. As an artist’s tool, ZBrush allows for the modeling and sculpting of just about anything one can imagine.

After the quick start lesson, Madeleine delves into myriad topics such as interface customization, hotkeys, various sculpting tools and techniques, 3D alphas, custom brushes, insert multi mesh, array mesh, nanomesh, Vector Displacement brushes, and much more! She demonstrates hard surface sculpting in ZBrush as well as the polygon modeling tools including ZModeler, topology brush, and Zremesher. ZBrush as a tool for 3D printing is also discussed, with a chapter devoted to exploring the process of preparing a model for print using the Decimation Master plugin.

ZBrush is not only a powerful sculpting tool, it is also a robust 3D paint program. Madeleine demonstrates polypainting, UV master and Spotlight through detailed examples of paint techniques drawn from her 20 years of experience in the film industry.

Rendering with ZBrush is explained using Lightcaps, HDR images, how to customize and understand the ZBrush material menu and then render images either internally in ZBrush or externally with Keyshot. We also examine how to extract maps such as displacement, normal and color for use in film, TV, and game pipelines. New tools in ZBrush 2020 are discussed and demonstrated including exciting new tools such as the Extractor brushes, Deco brush, History Recall brush, Adjust Color, Mask by Polypaint, sculpting and painting on Morph UV surfaces, and more!

For artists new to ZBrush, those looking for a refresher on tools, or users interested in an exploration of the new features in 2020, this series provides a wealth of knowledge organized into chapters that are designed to be accessed either sequentially or individually on an as needed basis. With Madeleine Spencer as your guide, the power of ZBrush is demystified enabling you to create in 3D using this immensely powerful artist’s tool.


精彩评论 14

寒城 发表于 2022-4-6 21:52:40 | 显示全部楼层
龟速火箭 发表于 2022-1-29 15:06:17 | 显示全部楼层
hzhuangyc 发表于 2022-1-8 08:58:47 | 显示全部楼层
白墨水 发表于 2021-12-30 18:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
wangrong0325 发表于 2021-12-16 12:15:50 | 显示全部楼层
aaa2021 发表于 2021-12-15 14:47:52 | 显示全部楼层
boyvoice208 发表于 2021-12-8 04:37:57 | 显示全部楼层
飞机下的蜗牛 发表于 2021-10-8 18:21:49 | 显示全部楼层
flyfoy 发表于 2021-9-21 22:12:43 | 显示全部楼层
forfex 发表于 2021-9-13 09:58:21 | 显示全部楼层
47845 发表于 2021-9-8 20:39:04 | 显示全部楼层
依然想你 发表于 2021-9-3 07:44:01 | 显示全部楼层
danielxu 发表于 2021-9-3 05:30:35 | 显示全部楼层
mmbk007 发表于 2021-9-2 21:24:29 | 显示全部楼层
难得的好教程 十分感谢
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