Blender汽车建模教程 CGFasttrack – Blender Car Series Vol.1 Modeling
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  • 发布时间:2021-8-30 17:08
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  • 回复数量:4
时长 11h 14m 包含项目文件 MP4
标题:CGFasttrack – Blender Car Series Vol 1 Modeling
Blender Car 系列第 1 卷:建模

你已经为你的第一辆车建模了吗?高端电影和广告充满了计算机生成的车辆。本系列将带您了解硬表面建模的中级技术,这些技术旨在在 Blender 内部创建时尚的汽车形状。


在创建获得一致和复杂曲面所需的详细复杂拓扑时,在第 2 部分开始构建高多边形网格。收缩包裹的强大功能与良好的拓扑结构相结合,将使您能够精确控制网格。

第 3 部分
在第 3 部分中,您将学习在轮胎周围排列详细的胎面几何形状时利用改性剂的强大功能的有效技术。接下来,您将对轮辋和详细的制动网格进行建模,以创建可信的跑车车轮。

第 4 部分
在第 4 部分中,我们将开始最终确定外观并在前后保险杠翼上添加华丽的细节,以帮助营造出具有侵略性的跑车外观。

第 5 部分
完成第 5 部分中的建模阶段并使表面达到抛光状态。这些倒角技术将创造出最终的外观,并赋予汽车表面优质的感觉。

第 6 部分

Duration 11h 14m Project Files Included MP4

Title: CGFasttrack – Blender Car Series Vol 1 Modeling
Blender Car Series Vol 1: Modeling

Have you modeled your first car yet? High end films and commercials are full of computer generated vehicles. This series will take you through intermediate techniques of hard surface modeling that are geared towards creating sleek automotive shapes inside of Blender.

Part 1
Start your car journey with the proper techniques of shrink wrapping high poly on to low poly meshes to prevent commonly fought surface dents. Set yourself up for success by creating sleek automotive shapes with precision.

Part 2
Begin building your high poly mesh in Part 2 as you create the detailed, complex topology needed to obtain consistent and complex surfaces. The power of shrink wrapping in combination with good topology will allow you to have precision control over the mesh.

Part 3
In Part 3, you’ll learn efficient techniques to utilize the power of modifiers as you array detailed tread geometry around the tire. Next, you’ll model out the rims and detailed brake meshes to create a believable sports car wheel.

Part 4
In Part 4 we will begin finalizing the exterior and add flashy details to the front and rear bumper wings to help create that aggressive sports car look.

Part 5
Finalize the modeling stages in Part 5 and take the surfaces to their polished states. These beveling techniques will create the final look and give the automotive surfaces a premium feel.

Part 6

Wrap up the modeling stage with these basic wireframe, rendering, and comp setups to create an elegant, exciting way to present your car model.


精彩评论 4

碧波笑红尘 发表于 2021-8-30 23:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
mmbk007 发表于 2021-12-19 19:17:54 | 显示全部楼层
非常喜欢的教程  很好 感谢分享
shengdoushi 发表于 2023-1-19 15:20:48 | 显示全部楼层
yuyuuyu 发表于 2023-2-5 00:33:47 | 显示全部楼层
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