C4D Maxwell渲染器全面介绍使用教程 Gumroad – Comprehensive Introduction to Maxwell Render for Cinema 4D
  • 发布时间:2021-8-27 14:22
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C4D Maxwell渲染器全面介绍使用教程 Gumroad – Comprehensive Introduction to Maxwell Render for Cinema 4D. 接近8个半小时的视频教程,全面讲解C4D中Maxwell渲染器的使用方法,包括灯光、摄像机、材质。
Gumroad – Comprehensive Introduction to Maxwell Render for Cinema 4D. In this series of tutorials in more than 8 hours and 20 minutes we learn how to use MAXWELL Render for cinema 4d.Maxwell Render is an unbiased 3D renderer for making photorealistic images, the good thing about Maxwell Render is that it is really straight forward, It just works.Lights, Cameras, materials, they are all real world and correct, what amazed me most about Maxwell is the fact that there are very few technical concepts and rendering photorealistic images couldn’t be easier.

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