AI绘制卡通怪物角色教程 Yes Im a Designer – Drawing Monsters with Adobe Illustrator CC
  • 发布时间:2021-2-16 16:29
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AI绘制卡通怪物角色教程 Yes Im a Designer – Drawing Monsters with Adobe Illustrator CC

Do you want to learn how to create professional vector illustrations using Adobe Illustrator and having fun at the same time? Then this course is perfect for you!

We will be working on three character illustration projects, covering the whole workflow each time from the initial sketches to the fully fledged vector drawings to give you insight into each step of the creative process. As the title of the course suggests these characters will be fun and quirky monsters. You will be able to use the sketches, colours, and elements included with the course and follow along the videos to recreate each artwork OR you can use the techniques demonstrated to create your own versions of these characters and let your imagination run wild.

Don’t worry if you have no experience in character art as the first long chapter of this course covers all the important techniques and concepts used by illustrators to create engaging characters. This course is best suited for anyone who already has a basic understanding of working with Adobe Illustrator as we are going to use advanced techniques like shading with Gradient Meshes, adding texture effects, using Clipping Masks and CC 2019 new features like Freeform Gradients and Global Edit. If you are new to working with Adobe Illustrator I would recommend to start with my Illustrator CC MasterClass before diving into the mysterious and fascinating world of monsters.

You will need Adobe Illustrator to follow along the course, ideally the latest Creative Cloud version, but not older than CC 2015 as we will be working with many newly introduced features. A pen tablet can be useful for taking this course, but it is not necessary. You will be able to finish all the projects without any issues by using a mouse.
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精彩评论 3

腾悦视觉传媒 发表于 2021-6-15 17:04:02 | 只看该作者
zifenghuang 发表于 2022-8-2 13:45:20 | 只看该作者
scolzm 发表于 2022-11-9 09:47:34 | 只看该作者
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