Nuke与Mari视觉特效实例教程 cmiVFX Nuke Mari Worlflows
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  • 发布时间:2016-2-17 00:53
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教程英文名称:cmiVFX Nuke Mari Worlflows
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程使用软件:Maya 2015, Nuke 9X
教程作者:Salah Soltane

cmiVFX Nuke Mari Worlflows
cmiVFX brings you a brand new training video taught by Salah Soltane. These days we rarely receive plates with fixed cameras, so tracking and match moving have become essential daily tasks. Before we do any further tasks like rig removal, painting, set extensions, or compositing, this course will start by focusing on how to match move a plate. Then we’ll be building a scene in NukeX. Then we’ll take this course further and we’ll learn how to paint in Mari and composite our scene in Nuke. We’ll use the 3D data in Nuke to generate some of the missing passes and then we’ll take advantage of deep data to generate deep holdouts. This course is from a professional VFX artist’s perspective on how on how to use 3D data in Nuke, Maya, and Mari because these days we’re seeing that the barrier between VFX and 3D is fading away. For further information, check out our Vimeo teaser trailer and the chapter descriptions that have been provided below. Thanks, and enjoy the video!
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精彩评论 1

mmbk007 发表于 2019-7-15 21:26:20 | 只看该作者
verygood thanks verymuch
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