
标题: DigitalXModels - 3D Model Collection - Volume 14 Playground [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2018-9-16 04:56 PM
标题: DigitalXModels - 3D Model Collection - Volume 14 Playground

DigitalXModels - 3D Model Collection - Volume 14 PlaygroundDigitalXModels - 游乐场设施模型合集,滑滑梯,秋千,旋转木马,篮球架,跷跷板,椅子,垃圾桶,攀爬架等,max格式
Playgrounds are dangerous places. Did you know that each year, just in the United States, emergency departments treat more than 200,000 children for playground related injuries? It's insane!! And we willingly send our kids into these death traps all the time! Solution?? Go virtual!! With our Playground 3D model collection, not only will your kids be safe, but you can build a playground TEN TIMES the size for less than $100!! Swings, see-saws, play structures, monkey bars, geo-domes, slides, and merry-go-rounds... plus plenty of benches and tables where parents can virtually sit. 3D models are the way to go! But I can't guarantee that your virtual playground will make your kid tired enough to go to bed early.

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