影视高阶调色技巧大师级训练视频教程 FXPHD BKD107 Collection LUTs Gamma and ACES
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教程英文名称:FXPHD BKD107 Collection LUTs Gamma and ACES
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程作者:Mike Seymour

FXPHD BKD107 Collection LUTs Gamma and ACES
This package consists of a collection of our efforts to explain and demystify one of the most challenging issues in day-to-day vfx workflows: dealing with LUTs, gamma, and general color pipeline issues. Taking advantage of the technical nature of this collection, we’ve also included some classes on 3D, Virtual Cinematograhy, and rendering with Renderman and Mental Ray. And, we have a series of talks with Charles Poynton explaining color science.
Class 1: LUS match grades with different camera material (bkd222_class03)
Class 2: Monitors, calibration and modern LCD’s (bkd207-08)
Class 3: Gamma and linear workflow (bkd211-10)
Class 4: Chat with Charles Poynton – Light human perception vs real world (BKD- 221-class05)
Class 5: Chat with Charles Poynton – scene linear workflow (BKD- 221-class06)
Class 6: Chat with Charles Poynton – ACES/IIF workflow (BKD- 221-class07)
Class 7: Virtual Cinematography in Pixar’s Up (bkd213-09)
Class 8: Talking with Zap Andersson about car shading techniques using Mental Ray (bkd209-05)
Class 9: Understanding the function of the BRDF, Biderectional Reflectance Distribution Function (bkd209-08)
Class 10: A chat with Per Christensen about Pixar’s Renderman rendering techniques (bkd209-07)
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