
Unity Technologies今天:备受期待的次时代多平台引擎开发工具——Unity 5正式发布!这是Unity迄今为止最强大的版本,含有大量的图形改进和扩展的编辑器功能集,让开发者具备跨越21个平台创造出色、创新游戏的潜力。此外,Unity还发布了Unity Cloud Build,这使得开发者能够通过云计算更有效率地进行游戏和应用的开发。
  为了实现Unity 让开发大众化的长远目标,随着Unity 5的正式发布,我们通过改进授权方式逐步向所有开发者开放了整个引擎和编辑器。这不仅仅对大型工作室或者公司意义重大,也为爱好者和刚起步的开发者平添了巨大力量。Unity 5有两个版本:
  Unity 5 Professional Edition(专业版)
Unity 5 Professional Edition(专业版)包含了Unity Cloud Build Pro、Team License、Game Performance、Asset Store Level 11、Unity Analytics Pro等功能。无论是2-3人的小型工作室,还是超过100人的大型团队,仅以75美元/月的低价便可获得,从而享受这些更为高效和更有价值的增值功能。
Unity Professional 5.x Win
Unity is a game development ecosystem: a powerful rendering engine fully integrated with a complete set of intuitive tools and rapid workflows to create interactive 3D and 2D content; easy multiplatform publishing; thousands of quality, ready-made assets in the Asset Store and a knowledge-sharing community.
For independent developers and studios, Unity’s democratizing ecosystem smashes the time and cost barriers to creating uniquely beautiful games. They are using Unity to build a livelihood doing what they love: creating games that hook and delight players on any platform.
Rapidly assemble your scenes in an intuitive, extensible Editor workspace. Play, test and edit for fast iteration towards your finished game.
Create a game with AAA visual fidelity, audio and full-throttle action that performs smooth and clean on any screen.
2D & 3D
Get dedicated tools for both 2D and 3D content creation with efficient workflows that utilize shared conventions.
Unity’s uniquely powerful and flexible animation system brings any character or object to life with incredibly natural and fluid movement.
Reliable performance, smooth framerate, and superb game play experiences across target platforms.
No other game engine gives you the choice of so many publishing platforms with near-effortless deployment.
Full version control for all game assets; instantly grab changes from other team members, and extend Unity for generic VCS support.
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Unity Pro 5.3.4 P3 Win X64
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-21 18:19
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