Golaem Crowd人群模拟基础核心训练视频教程 GOL101 Introduction to Golaem Crowd
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  • 发布时间:2016-6-11 13:42
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教程中文名称:Golaem Crowd人群模拟基础核心训练视频教程
教程英文名称:FXPHD GOL101 Introduction to Golaem Crowd
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程使用软件:Golaem Crowd 2015
教程作者:Gareth Stevenson

FXPHD GOL101 Introduction to Golaem Crowd
Golaem Crowd is an artist friendly crowd simulation tool for Maya used in production by a long and growing list of visual effect studios. With Golaem it’s easy to create diversity and apply behaviors to create natural looking crowds in a shorter time than has traditionally been possible. This introduction course assumes no previous knowledge of Golaem Crowd, but covers all aspects of the software and is based on direct production experience, so even existing users should find something new to learn.
After an overview of the software to give a sense of how the various tools work together, we’ll go through each element of Golaem Crowd in the order they’d be used to build a shot, from integrating custom Maya assets to crowd distribution, behaviors, simulation and rendering. While the course is pegged as introductory, it will quickly progress to cover more difficult subjects and more intermediate-level techniques.
Gareth Stevenson has been working as a 3D Generalist in London since switching over from the Videogame Industry, where he was at Microsoft. He’s worked on film projects including Hugo, Hunger Games and Star Trek: Into Darkness and TV series including Game of Thrones season 2 and 3. Most recently he’s been working with Golaem Crowd at Union Visual Effects in London, where he’s taken care of all 3D crowds on Davinci’s Demon’s Season 2, Stephen Frears’ Lance Armstrong Biopic and Suffragette.
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