Digital Tutors - 3ds Max2014 入门
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Digital Tutors - Introduction to 3ds Max 2014Digital Tutors - 3ds Max2014 入门
所用软件:Photoshop CS6,3ds Max2014。你将学到什么:
深入的3ds Max的2014教程,旨在帮助您在3ds Max中的核心功能上得到了坚实的理解,并帮助你过渡到这个非常强大的程序上。
Digital Tutors是世界上最大的Autodesk教程资源,多年来,我们已经有一些世界各地的顶尖的艺术家和工作室教学的荣誉和受权。接下来的几个小时,我们将给予您最有条理,最全面,最简单的3ds Max的训练。
在本教程的第一部分中,我们将教会你一些熟悉的词汇和基本技能,你需要开始使用3ds Max的工具。从那里,我们将进一步探索一些在3ds Max的建模功能,这将是我们本次培训的其余部分重点项目。
这个教程是专为3ds Max的新用户,所以我们的目标不是填充你有很多技术资料。相反,我们希望您能形成一些很好的习惯和工作流程 - 启动软件到完成这个项目。 - 本教程结束,我们希望你能可以感觉使用3ds Max很舒适。

Software used3ds Max 2014, Photoshop CS6What you will learnThis in-depth 3ds Max 2014 tutorial is designed to help you get a solid understanding of the core features found in 3ds Max, and help you to ease your transition into this very powerful program.
During the course of these lessons, you'll have a chance to learn about different aspects of 3ds Max from several of our tutors here at Digital-Tutors.
Digital-Tutors is the world's largest resource for Autodesk training, and over the years, we've had the honor and the privilege of teaching some of the top artists and studios all around the world. And for the next several hours, we'll be giving you the most structured, well-rounded, and easiest to follow 3ds Max training that you'll be able to find anywhere.
In the first portion of this tutorial, we'll be getting you familiar with some of the vocabulary and foundational skills that you'll need in order to begin moving around and working in 3ds Max. From there, we'll move into exploring some of the modeling features found in 3ds Max, and we'll begin building the aircraft that will be our central project for the remainder of this training.
From there, we'll take you through the entire process of adding textures and materials to the vehicle, adding animated movement and animation controls, adding dynamics, and finally we'll learn how to add lights, shadows, and output our final animated sequence.
Now this tutorial is designed for new 3ds Max users, so our goal is not to weigh you down with a lot of technical information. Instead, we want you to form some really good habits and workflows – getting to see the entire start-to-finish pipeline for this project – and by the end of this tutorial, we want you to be at a point where you can feel very comfortable using 3ds Max.
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