  • 发布时间:2014-2-16 18:01
  • 人       气:658
  • 回复数量:1

本教程是由Tuts+机构出品的AE控制悬浮水波影视特效视频教程,Tuts+ Premium Create a Water Levitation Effect,时长:24分,大小:220 MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件教程使用软件:After Effects,作者:Matthew Perks,官方发布日期:2013年9月2日,语言:英语。
Tuts+ Premium Create a Water Levitation Effect
In this tutorial, we will be making a water bubble that behaves as if it’s being levitated. We won’t be using any extra plugins – just the ones built into After Effects, mainly CC Sphere. The bubble will look and behave as if it is 3D, so it is great for incorporating into dynamic live action scenes. However, because of the way CC Sphere works, we will actually be ‘faking’ the 3D look using a very simple workaround.
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