Unity脚本制作入门训练视频教程 Udemy Getting Started with Unity 4 Scripting
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-11 15:00
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教程英文名称:Udemy Getting Started with Unity 4 Scripting
教程使用软件:Unity 4
教程作者:Packt Publishing

Harness the power of scripting in Unity 4 to build great games
Getting Started with Unity 4 Scripting will explain everything that you need to know; from the basics of the Unity game engine, through to how the component system and Input Manager works. Learn how to create a custom GUI and set up basic AI pathfinding systems, and progressively cover more advanced topics such as inter-communication between the different languages that the Unity game engine supports.
With this video course, you will learn about render loops and basic entry point functions that the Unity engine exposes, followed by the component system, Input system, Gizmos, character controllers, and GUI Scripting. This video course culminates by teaching you about the AI system and the script compilation orders that the Unity game engine provides, as well as all the basic components that comprise a good game.
Learn everything you need to know about how scripting in Unity works; everything from exposing variables in scripts, entry point functions, render loops, and colliders, including how to make them work, to an in-depth introduction of the component system and its intricacies. Discover how to add, remove, and create custom components, as well as about the anatomy of the Input, GUI, and Gizmos system, how they work, and how they behave in tandem.
By the end of this course, you’ll be knowledgeable enough to create any basic game by harnessing the power of Unity.
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