Nuke好莱坞影视级视觉特效实例训练视频教程 NUK233 Hollywood Nuke Techniques fo
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教程英文名称:FXPHD NUK233 Hollywood Nuke Techniques for Indie Projects
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程作者:Hugo Léveillé

FXPHD NUK233 Hollywood Nuke Techniques for Indie Projects
With independent productions for new media on the rise, we’ll discuss what we can learn from bigger pipelines and how we can condense and use some of those techniques to enhance and speed up our smaller productions and budgeted pipelines. We’re excited to be working with Corridor Digital, a highly successful YouTube content creator, with over 3.5 million subscribers and videos which regularly receive over 20 million views. Using Corridor Digital’s footage, we’ll find shortcuts in plotting out and creating effects and see how Nuke and its true 3D compositing environment can speed up out work and make it look top notch! We’ll also do a case study on how Corridor Digital shot their footage to be composited and brought to final.
This course is for those who want to further their knowledge of Nuke and it’s tools, and also for those who want to use Nuke’s power for new media and independent productions. YouTube, Vimeo, Netflix, Ect. We’ll prepare you to take your work to the next level no matter what the platform.
Joshua Galbincea is an LA based VFX Supervisor who has worked on features, commercials and episodic TV. Currently he is on set supervisor for TV shows. He has experience in all sizes of production, working at vfx houses that finished over 600 shots on a feature film, international commercial spots, to independent fan films, such as Portal: No Escape and other viral hits.
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