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  • 发布时间:2018-12-15 09:41
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本教程是关于影视色彩校正核心技术大师级训练视频教程,时长:2小时57分,大小:2.2 GB,教程使用软件:DaVinci Resolve,附源文件,作者:Robbie Carman,语言:英语。
Interested in learning more about color correction? In this course, colorist Robbie Carman provides editors and those new to working with color with practical strategies that can help them simplify color correction tasks for nearly any project. Robbie provides crucial information about how we really see and why one's environment plays an important role in successful color correction. He also discusses how to technically and creatively evaluate footage and projects, manage time and effort while color correcting, break down a project into manageable steps, and more.
Topics include:
How we see
Creatively and technically evaluating a project
Interpreting your client's direction for a project
Estimating how long a project will take
Six stages that happen in a color correction workflow
Timeline level grading
Building a correction and look toolkit

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