MODO游戏手柄制作训练视频教程 Digital-Tutors MeshFusion Workflows in MODO
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教程英文名称:Digital-Tutors MeshFusion Workflows in MODO
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程使用软件:MODO 901
教程作者:Justin Marshall

Digital-Tutors MeshFusion Workflows in MODO
In this MODO tutorial, we’ll learn about the MeshFusion interface and begin building up a simple tree-based Fusion object. Booleans have been around for a long time, and by adding or subtracting different objects from one another we can create surprisingly complex objects. But issues like poor transitions from object to object and messy final topology have sometimes made Booleans difficult to work with, even if they do save time. MeshFusion, which is built into MODO 901, eliminates a lot of those issues and will allow us to combine smoothed objects together with a great deal of control over the transition edges and in complex Boolean trees or networks. We’ll learn to manipulate the objects within our Fusion item and change how they behave. We’ll also learn to modify strips to change the look of object transition lines. We’ll learn to use a schematic-based approach to creating large Boolean networks by connecting nodes. We’ll finish up by learning to output polygon geometry from our Fusion items. By the end of this MODO training, you’ll have a solid understanding of how you can use the MeshFusion plug-in in your own projects. Software required: MODO 901.
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