Modo骨骼动画技术快速入门视频教程第一季,Digital-Tutors Quick
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  • 发布时间:2016-7-24 20:27
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本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Modo骨骼动画技术快速入门视频教程第一季,Digital-Tutors Quick Start to Rigging in MODO Volume 1,时长:1小时21分,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:MODO 801,作者:Delano Athias,共14个章节,语言:英语。
Modo是一款高级多边形细分曲面,建模、雕刻、3D绘画、动画与渲染的综合性3D软件。由Luxology, LLC设计并维护。该软件具备许多高级技术,诸如N-gons(允许存在边数为4以上的多边形),多层次的3D绘画与边权重工具,可以运行在苹果的Mac OS X与微软的Microsoft Windows操作平台。
Digital-Tutors Quick Start to Rigging in MODO Volume 1
Welcome to the Quick Start to Rigging in MODO. Quick Starts are a series of specially constructed tutorials meant to be followed in sequence and include valuable exercises to reinforce learned concepts.
The lesson format for these Quick Starts will be similar to other tutorials from Digital-Tutors. We’ll go through MODO’s Rigging Tools in a very methodical way, making sure to cover the tools and techniques that are most important in enabling you to get up and running quickly. Each volume of a Quick Start will build upon the previous volume, enabling us to progressively build up a complex project into a finished state.
In this initial volume, we’ll cover the basics of getting started with MODO’s setup process. We’ll learn how to parent and freeze object transformations. We’ll learn how create control objects. We’ll also learn how create clean joint systems and to conclude the training, we’ll explore MODO’s Inverse Kinematics system and use IK effectors to control the legs of our model.
While building a project together, you’ll be provided with valuable knowledge, and the real power comes from being able to take the techniques you’ve learned and apply them in a different way to your own work. With this in mind, you’ll be presented with an assignment immediately following each volume. These assignments will challenge you to take the skills that you’ve learned in a particular volume and apply them to a different asset.
These tutorials are designed to be taken in sequence so we really encourage you to start with this volume and proceed all the way through to Volume 3, all so you can take advantage of the periodic assignments along the way to get the full learning experience.
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