NUKEX粒子技术基础入门教程 Digital-Tutors Getting Started with Particles in NU...
  • 发布时间:2016-2-17 00:53
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教程英文名称:Digital-Tutors Getting Started with Particles in NUKEX
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程使用软件:NUKEX 7.0v6
教程作者:Laura Smith

Digital-Tutors Getting Started with Particles in NUKEX
In this series of tutorials, we are going to construct a number of node tree setups that create different types of particles.
There are presets that create very similar particle effects to the ones that we will be exploring, however, until you start to understand why these nodes fit together in the way that they do, you will be limited to only using the presets. We will go over a simple particle system that uses the basics of creating your own particles without a preset. Then, we move onto a more challenging use of these same nodes along with several more advanced particle nodes as well.
After watching this course, you will have a firm grasp on some of the different possibilities you have for the look of particles and you will be able to build your own particle systems without the crutch of a preset. This will give you more control and make your work more unique than users who simply drop in a preset and move onto the next composite.
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