
Back-In-Time 4.0.3 (Mac OS X) | 9 MB
Back-In-Time allows users to transcend Time Machine restoration possibilities. Back-In-Time offers an easy access to all the data backed up by Time Machine.
Features that you can do with Back-In-Time only:
Show how many versions of each document are available, and when they were saved.
Show items that were deleted.
Drag and Drop to copy items anywhere.
Open multiple browsers at the same time.
Handle multiple Time Machine disks.
Access Time Machine data from other Macs.
Preview different versions of each document.
Can delete items in Time Machine backups.
And much more…
New in Back-In-Time 4 (compared to version 3)
- New user interface.
- Improved navigation and search features.
- Original contents browser: to compare the contents of your Mac with the Time Machine backups.
- Export a contents of a backup to a text file.
- Compare two exported contents.
- Ability to use Back-In-Time without administrator privileges.
Intel, OS X 10.6 or later
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Back-In-Time 4.0.3 MacOSX
  • 百度链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6YJRbO
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-23 13:43
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