
Steganos Privacy Suite 是一套功能非常强大而且简单易用的加密工具包,也就是一款一站式数据安全保护软件,使用Steganos加密技术可以把敏感数据隐藏到不易引人注意的图片、声音文件中;高度敏感数据则能够存储到安全硬盘中,然后按一下按钮就可以在操作系统中消失无踪。Steganos Privacy Suite可以保护电脑隐私,如创建安全密码、创建安全磁碟或快闪随身碟、加密文件、彻底删除电脑中重要资料等。
Steganos Privacy Suite 17x Multilangual | 61.5 MB
Working on a PC or laptop that's connected to the internet offers lots of advantages. But there are plenty of disadvantages too. Our laptops, USB sticks and CDs help transport documents, photos and movies all over the world. But what happens if a stranger gets a hold of the data on your hardware? USB sticks with irreplaceable vacation photos can fall out of pockets. DVDs that contain personal financial information get lost all the time. Laptops with e-mails, contact info and calendars can be accidentally left behind in taxis. All your passwords are neatly stored on an Excel sheet. But unprotected documents leave you vulnerable to data thieves. You've deleted all the data on a PC you plan to sell. But did you know that someone could easily reconstruct the data you thought was gone forever? The solution to all of these problem is Steganos Privacy Suite.
Here are some key features of "Steganos Privacy Suite":
- Encrypt - Secure your files with the Safe.
- Level of Security - Observe your over-all level of security at a glance.
- Delete - With Shredder and Trace-Destructor you can eliminate files and your Browser history for good.
- Overview - Passwords and Favorites are securely stored and automatically populated.

OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32-bit / 64-bit)
Language : Multilingual
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Steganos Privacy Suite 17.1.3 Multilangual
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-21 13:38
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