BIM Academy- 3D, 4D, 5D Project Skill Builder
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BIM Academy- 3D, 4D, 5D Project Skill Builder
Are you looking to work in the BIM profession? Are you in the Architectural, Engineering or Construction field and want to sharpen your BIM skills? A student and want an edge over the competition? This course was developed to give you practice in solving the most common BIM exercises asked by employers. This course has 6+ hours of instruction and assignment focused curriculum.
I have also compiled supplementary material from some other amazing instructors who have allowed me to use this content to enhance the course. Unit 01 3D creation for site logistics plans. As a BIM professional, you will be expected to help clients, builders, investors etc. visualize the project and find early hi-level project constraints. The goal of this unit is visualization and constructability, two essential parts to any good construction plan. Unit 02 – 4D You will be expected to help others visualize the construction sequence in detail. Unit 03 – 5D BIM by its definition BIM carries valuable information. Parametric information can inform you with precise quantities and needed values to gain quantity information and ultimately help create estimates and budgets. Unit 04 BIM coordination.
By far the most notable benefit of BIM is the ability to coordinate building systems before construction begins. This aspect of BIM is often referred to BIM coordination. Please note that this is not a step-by-step course to thoroughly teach you how to use BIM software. This course will teach you how BIM is used in multiple facets to deliver common deliverables requested in the AEC industry. Before enrolling in the course PLEASE WATCH THE COURSE PROMO VIDEO IN ITS ENTIRETY. You may already know the skills taught in the course but have never had a project based assignment to give you the confidence needed to be a great BIM professional.
您正在寻找在BIM专业工作?你是在建筑、工程或施工领域,想要磨砺BIM技能?一个学生,想要超过竞争对手的优势?本课程开发给你练习在解决最常见的BIM练习雇主要求。本课程6 +个小时的教学和工作分配重点课程。
我也编写了一些其他令人惊叹的教练有允许我使用此内容,加强课程的补充材料。单位013D创作网站物流计划。作为BIM的专业人士,你预计将帮助客户、建设者、投资者等可视化项目和发现早期-水平项目约束条件。本单元的目的是可视化和施工方便,任何良好的施工计划的两个基本部分。单位02-4 D你预计将帮助别人想象中详细的施工顺序。03-5 DBIMBIM其定义进行有价值的信息。参数信息可以告诉你,精确的数量和所需值,获得数量信息,并最终帮助创建估计和预算。单位04BIM协调。
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