
Ueberschall Upright Bass ELASTiK | 554 Mb
Upright Bass is the latest title of Ueberschall‘s instrument-series where every volume fully focuses on a single instrument.The loops and licks of this library cover multiple playing techniques and articulations of the upright bass: flageolet, walking bass, half time, slides, bends, double notes and a lot more.Upright Bass
A library that really goes deep. The wooden sound of an upright bass delivers unmatched liveliness to the lower registers of any track. Upright Bass covers multiple musical genres with its tasteful dynamic grooves.
Upright Bass is the latest title of Ueberschall‘s instrument-series where every volume fully focuses on a single instrument. The loops and licks of this library cover multiple playing techniques and articulations of the upright bass: flageolet, walking bass, half time, slides, bends, double notes and a lot more.
The spectrum covered by this library is amazingly versatile. The loops and their delicate groove do not only match Soul, Funk and Jazz but also related and influenced styles. No matter if Trip Hop, Breakbeat, Lounge, House, RnB or Rare Groove, Upright Bass will deliver the matching basslines. Additionally, by using creative filter- and effect processing, these loops will also add and push the bass in modern genres such as Drum & Bass or Dubstep. The bass licks are between two and eight bars in length with tempos ranging from 61 to 130 BPM.
For this library, we have fathomed the sonic range of this instrument. Thanks to professional recording techniques, you will not only hear but also feel the full deepness of the Upright Bass as well as its assertive and harmonically rich sound elements that are even present on laptop- and small speaker systems. All recordings have been carried out at 44.1 kHz and 24 bit with proven high-quality gear to achieve the best possible sound quality.
Upright Bass played by Christian Flohr
Instrument: Upright Bass
Home Page-http://www.ueberschall.com/en/product/196/Upright-Bass
ueberschall upright低音弹性| 554 MB
upright低音是最新的ueberschall title of仪器系列在全focuses每卷在一个单一的工具。《环和licks本图书馆覆盖技术和多关节运动的upright低音竖笛、低音:散步,半小时,磨损,双弯,票据和很多更多。upright低音
一个图书馆,真是深的。《音乐之声》的upright木制低音提供了两个unmatched liveliness下注册的任何轨道。upright低音的音乐genres覆盖多tasteful槽与它的动态。
upright低音是最新的ueberschall title of仪器系列在全focuses每卷在一个单一的工具。《环和licks本图书馆覆盖技术和多关节运动的upright低音竖笛、低音:散步,半小时,磨损,双弯,票据和很多更多。
谱覆盖这个图书馆的冰amazingly通用。《delicate环槽和他们做的不只是比赛的灵魂,放克爵士乐和相关,但也与influenced风格。如果不管什么,breakbeat,休息室,或好的房子,和低音槽,将upright DELIVER的匹配性的贝司。城市additionally,用创造性的过滤和加工环效应,这也将加推的低音和在现代genres如鼓与贝司或dubstep。这是licks低音和双低音之间的长度与八tempos范围从61个130 BPM。
主页的HTML www.ueberschall.com /产品/ 196 / upright低音
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Ueberschall Upright Bass ELASTiK
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