
Sonokinetic Ostinato Woodwinds KONTAKT | 19.6 Gb
The phrase library for complex woodwind chords. There’s nothing like a great trilogy, so after the success of our Ostinato Strings and Brass libraries we couldn’t just leave it there. Ostinato Woodwinds is the next iteration and somewhat of an evolution, with new playback and arpeggio options whilst maintaining the same great sound.
If you’re familiar with the sister Ostinato libraries and our approach to ostinato recording then you’ll feel right at home with the woodwinds. The entire approach is different from our regular phrase instruments in that we recorded separate intervals for various rhythm building blocks. After careful editing we combine these intervals through an intelligent script that builds them into chords in 5 different voicings and up to 4 inversions (the fourth only for 7th chords). The new inversion arpeggio controls create inversion patterns at the press of a key… a very fast way to build interesting sequences.
Ostinato Woodwinds recognises and plays 12 different chord types, handling not only major and minor chords but also diminished, half-diminished, augmented chords and many more. There’s a full list documented within the user manual.
Not only does the engine build the chords based on the inversion you play in the chord area, but when you play in the harmonic shift area it will judge which inversion it plays based on the chord that came before it, the chord quality on the key you're in and the position of the chord you're triggering in that key. This ensures that transitions are smooth and harmonically correct, especially important to create evolving woodwind motifs.
We have returned to the superb recording space we employed for other Sonokinetic orchestral libraries and gathered a selection of some of the greatest (and most precise) woodwind players to perform for us. With a full woodwind section at our disposal, we captured the full range of the instruments, allowing a wider palette of timbres within the Ostinato engine with up to 8 notes playing simultaneously. Although on the surface the interface looks the same as its sister libraries, Ostinato Woodwinds features several new features including the aforementioned arpeggio controls and 4 separate mutable sections (instead of 3 for strings and brass) which makes for more flexibility with chord shapes.
This library coexists alongside both our Orchestral Series and our Phrase-Based libraries, being recorded in the same hall, with identical mic positions and even utilising some of the same players. Our orchestral libraries blend seamlessly together. We, at Sonokinetic BV, are very proud to introduce Ostinato Woodwinds to you and can’t wait to hear the amazing things you, our valued customer base, will produce with it. Sonokinetic has established a name as one of the best value & quality sample producers and with this product we’d like to underline that statement. We stick with our unbeatable pricing module and high quality sampling.
Kontakt 5.8.0 or abore required
woodwinds | 19.6 GB sonokinetic顽固进程
woodwind for the phrase: chords复合图书馆。有什么样的伟大trilogy after the of我们的成功,我知道我们不能固执的字符串和黄铜图书馆/ T就离开那里。顽固woodwinds is the next somewhat of an迭代和进化,与纽约和琶音播放声音whilst保期权一样大。
如果你熟悉我们的固执与妹妹的图书馆和方法,那么对你的固执与woodwinds感觉在家。is different from the全部正则方法在我们的记忆,我们分开的短语仪器intervals for一点一滴的各种节奏。我们intervals组合后认真编辑这些脚本,通过安智能builds them into different和声chords 5和4 inversions(up to the only for chords四7)。新创建的琶音模式反演反演Controls at the Press of a key to build a……非常快速的方式序列的兴趣。
woodwinds固执和12弦recognises扮演不同类型的处理,和低chords not only but also diminished专业,半diminished,增强chords和许多更多。有documented全列表在用户手册。
not only does the build the chords发动机基于on the the弦反演区域播放你,但当你播放它将移区茶调和反演基于法官which恩起,恩on the before the弦弦的肉类质量,关键在你on the position of the弦和触发的你在那key。ensures that this transitions是光滑和especially important to correct创造和谐,woodwind图案?放。
we have returned to the Superb对我们雇用的其他空间sonokinetic orchestral图书馆和gathered for some of the selection of a最大(和最准确的球员做为美国woodwind to)。与全截面woodwind在我们处理,我们captured the full of the range of allowing广泛的仪器,在发动机叶片在与顽固的音色能玩simultaneously Notes 8。尽管表面上on the the same as its the interface北图书馆woodwinds姐姐,顽固的新特点aforementioned including the features several琶音和江森自控(instead of mutable型4分开的字符串和黄铜3 for which makes for)更多的灵活性与弦形。
这两orchestral系列coexists alongside我们图书馆和图书馆是基于我们的短语,在记忆identical with the same霍尔位置和MIC,甚至utilising some of the same玩家。我们的图书馆seamlessly orchestral混合在一起。我们在sonokinetic,BV是非常顽固,骄傲的介绍和woodwinds你不能等待听到你的惊人的事情,我们的客户将与基础值,它产生的。在既定的sonokinetic name as has one of the最佳价值和样品生产和质量与本产品D我们喜欢underline that声明。我们与我们的unbeatable定价模棒和高质量的抽样。
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jonman 发表于 2019-7-11 16:40:22 | 只看该作者
Sonokinetic Ostinato Woodwinds KONTAKT
  • 发布时间:2019-1-19 03:44
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