Unity 2018 UI Fundamentals
  • 发布时间:2019-1-15 05:32
  • 人       气:441
  • 回复数量:1

Duration 1h 53m Project Files Included MP4
Unity 2018 UI Fundamentals
Displaying and interacting with your users is paramount to having a good user experience (UX) for your game or app. In this course, Unity 2018 UI Fundamentals, you’ll configure basic UI components and gain knowledge on how to make those interactions work for users to accomplish their goals using your programs, which can include 2D games, 3D games with UI overlays, or UI in the world itself, like in VR or AR. First, you’ll learn about the different canvas types you can use. You’ll see the new component, TextMeshPro, and start using it to create highly customizable text. Next, you’ll get to create a configuration panel with different UI components in them. Finally, you’ll examine how to make a main menu with some cool interactive pizzazz. By the end of this course you’ll have a better understanding of how to help the users interact with your Unity game or application.
Unity 2018用户界面基础
显示和与用户交互对于为您的游戏或应用程序提供良好的用户体验(UX)至关重要。在本课程“Unity 2018用户界面基础知识”中,您将配置基本的用户界面组件,并了解如何使用您的程序使这些交互为用户实现目标而工作,这些程序可以包括二维游戏、带有用户界面覆盖的三维游戏,或世界上的用户界面,如虚拟现实或虚拟现实中的用户界面。首先,您将了解不同的画布类型。您可以使用PES。您将看到新组件textmeshpro,并开始使用它来创建高度可自定义的文本。接下来,您将创建一个配置面板,其中包含不同的UI组件。最后,您将研究如何用一些很酷的交互式比萨制作主菜单。本课程结束后,您将更好地了解如何帮助用户与Unity游戏或应用程序交互。
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aliqi 发表于 2019-2-8 19:40:17 | 只看该作者
Cool, Let's learn!


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