Skillshare – After Effects for Graphic Design
  • 发布时间:2019-1-11 06:37
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Skillshare – After Effects for Graphic Design
As a designer, you’re constantly challenged to create new and compelling imagery for your projects. That sometimes requires new tools. After Effects is known for animation, but it’s also a powerful program for graphic designers. Its panels and basic features are similar to Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, which makes After Effects easier for designers to learn. This course offers a unique workflow, combining Photoshop with After Effects to create stunning, unique, and professional-quality assets for print, web, and photography. Instructor Chris Converse—founding partner of Codify Design Studio—shows how to create special effects, add dramatic lighting to photos, color key images, build textures and patterns, and generate artwork from almost nothing, producing effects like water, bubbles, lightning, and rain. The course is for any designer—even if you’ve never used After Effects before. Chris demos each example step by step, and shows how the results can be used in real-world design projects.
作为一名设计师,你一直面临着为你的项目创造新的、引人注目的图像的挑战。这有时需要新的工具。After Effects以动画闻名,但它也是图形设计师的强大程序。它的面板和基本功能类似于photoshop、Illustrator和InDesign,这使得设计师更容易学习后期效果。本课程提供了一个独特的工作流程,将photoshop与后期效果结合起来,为打印、网页和摄影创建令人惊叹、独特和专业的质量资产。Codify Design Studio的创始合作伙伴Chris Converse讲师演示了如何创建特殊效果、为照片添加戏剧性的灯光、为关键图像着色、构建纹理和图案,以及如何从几乎没有的东西中生成艺术品,从而产生水、气泡、闪电和雨等效果。本课程适用于任何设计师,即使你以前从未使用过特效。Chris一步一步地演示每个示例,并展示如何将结果用于实际的设计项目。
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