Skillshare – 3D Medical Animation in Autodesk Maya
  • 发布时间:2018-12-20 05:52
  • 人       气:314
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SyiSale-玛雅流体介绍- 2018
在本课中,我们将主要关注烟雾的产生。我会检查所有必要的设置,让你和玛雅流体一起运行。最后,我们将举一个实际的例子来告诉你如何接近仿真。你会发现必要的Objo文件附加到“类项目”。Skillshare – Introduction to Maya Fluids – 2018
Maya Fluids is a powerful tool tool used to create high quality simulation. Its voxel based workflow is fast and yields stunning results.
In this class we will primary focus on the creation of smoke. I’ll go over all the necessary settings in order to get you up and running with Maya Fluids. In the end we’ll cover a practical example to give you an idea of how to approach a simulation. You will find the necessary OBJ files attached to the “Class Project”.
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