BURNE HOGARTH大师级人体艺术绘画剖析书籍
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  • 发布时间:2018-12-18 15:36
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本书籍是关于BURNE HOGARTH大师级人体艺术绘画剖析书籍,大小:100 MB,格式:PDF高清,共177页,语言:英语。
BURNE HOGARTH (1911–1996), hailed as the “Michaelangelo of the comic strip,” was one of the most iconic cartoonists and influential arts educators of the twentieth century and remains so today. After attending the Chicago Art Institute and Academy of Fine Arts at the age of fifteen, Hogarth began an illustrious career in arts education, fine arts, illustration, advertising, and comics, and became recognized as one of the earliest creators of the graphic novel. Best known for his innovative illustrations of the syndicated Sunday Tarzan, Hogarth broke fresh ground in the newspaper comic strip by combining classicism, expressionism, and narrative in
a powerful, new way.
As cofounder of the School of Visual Arts—one of the world’s leading art schools—he brought his unique approach to art into the classroom. His passionate lectures on anatomy and art history formed the foundation for The Burne Hogarth® Dynamic Drawing Series that continues to teach and influence artists and animators worldwide.
Hogarth’s art has been exhibited in many important galleries around the world including the Louvre in the Museé des Arts Décoratifs and Marseilles’ Bibliothèque. He traveled the world throughout his life receiving numerous international awards and accolades.

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