Materialise Magics
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  • 发布时间:2017-8-29 14:28
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Materialise Magics v19.01 Win64Materialise Magics v20.03 Win64Materialise Magics v21.0 WiN64Materialise Magics v22.0 WiN64
Magics, a user-friendly data preparation software package and STL editor, can guide you through every step of your Additive Manufacturing or 3D Printing workflow.
With Magics, you can import nearly all file formats and native color information, and stay in control of your original data.
2. Fix and Prepare STL Files
The STL editor in Magics allows you to correct problems, as well as create watertight data and shortcuts to suit your workflow, all in a user-friendly interface. STL File fixing includes repair of flipped triangles, bad edges, holes and other defects.
3. Enhance and Edit Data
With Magics, you can also take your designs to the next level: add logos, serial numbers, and hollow parts; apply textures; and perform Boolean operations and advanced cuts.
4. Prepare the Platform
Magics has the tools you need to duplicate parts, orient them in an ideal way, and create no-build zones.
5. Print Better Parts
Magics ensures you print only the best parts. It allows you to view slices, detect collisions, save platforms, and generate useful reports.
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