Lynda - Deke's Techniques
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  • 发布时间:2018-7-3 10:36
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Lynda - Dekes Techniques 1-335Lynda - Deke's Techniques (334-385)Deke's Techniques 386-424Dekes Techniques 401-560Lynda - Deke's Techniques 561-601Lynda - Deke's Techniques 602-670Lynda - Deke's Techniques 2017-2018 (576-727)
Deke's Techniques是一家Photoshop和Illustrator项目和创意效果教程集合,可以看完在十分钟或更少的时间里,该系列是由计算机图形学大师大叔Deke McClelland提出,并循序渐进的提高,目的是为了揭示各种Photoshop和Illustrator特性可以组合和使用在实际的例子中,这样他们可以马上应用于创意项目,新教程将被每个星期添加到集合中,练习文件同时提供。
The series is taught by computer graphics guru Deke McClelland, and presented in his signature step-by-step style.
Deke's Techniques is a collection of short Photoshop and Illustrator projects and creative effects that can be completed in ten minutes or less. The intent is to reveal how various Photoshop and Illustrator features  can be combined and leveraged in real-world examples so that they can be  applied to creative projects right away。
New techniques will be added to the collection each week。Exercise files accompany the course。
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