CubeBrush - Assault Character Pack Remastered
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  • 发布时间:2018-4-21 21:05
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CubeBrush - Assault Character Pack RemasteredCubeBrush - 特战队员角色模型包,fbx格式。
使用6种武器:-M16-GLOCK SPAS-12猎枪-烟雾手榴弹-手榴弹-战斗刀
角色包包含:-4K纹理,为镜像设置创建。扩散,光泽,镜面,NormalMap和环境闭塞。- FBX格式的蒙皮模型。- MotionBuilder /统一McEnIM兼容骨架。骨骼67骨,用于更高级的关节。- 4个LOD。Lo0 23532多聚体。Loo1 11774聚体。LoO2 5907聚体。Loo3 3098聚体。
武器包包含:-2K PBS纹理。扩散,光泽(平滑),镜面,NormalMap和环境闭塞。每个武器有2个LOD。

BlocBros Studio is proud to release a Remastered version of the previous best seller Assault Character Pack incl. Weapons but now with 10x higher character poly count and more articulate skeleton with the classic 6 weapons included. Created for next generation of PC/Console/Mobile platforms in mind with PBS textures and MotionBuilder/Unity Mecanim compatible rig. Models are in FBX-format and textures in TIF-format.
Package contains a total of 10 skins: - Mercenary - Military - SWAT - Delta Force - North Soldier
Now with 5 new bonus skins: - Arctic - Red - Green Army Man - Golden Man - Impostor
With 6 weapons: - M16 - Glock - Spas-12 Shotgun - Smoke Grenade - Hand Grenade - Combat Knife
Assault Character Package contains: - 4k Textures, created for with specular setup. Diffuse, Gloss , Specular, NormalMap and Ambient Occlusion. - Skinned model in FBX-format. - MotionBuilder/Unity Mecanim compatible skeleton. - Skeleton with with 67 bones for more advanced articulation. - 4 LODs. LOD0 23532 polys. LOD1 11774 polys. LOD2 5907 polys. LOD3 3098 polys.
Weapon Package contains: - 2k PBS Textures. Diffuse, Gloss (Smoothness), Specular, NormalMap and Ambient Occlusion. - 2 LODs for each weapon.
Animations are not included.
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