Graphicriver Animated Parallax Double Exposure Photoshop Action 19532670
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  • 发布时间:2017-4-6 16:18
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Graphicriver Animated Parallax Double Exposure Photoshop Action 19532670

Create stylized Animated Double Exposure with a Parallax shift effect from any two photos in just a few clicks.
The action contain 4 different parallax shift styles.
Its super easy to use and save yourself hours of work. Final composition is fully layered and provides lots of effects and customization.
Unlimited color combinations to try and open up infinite number of possibilities.
10 color presets are also included.
Tweak settings to match your style.
Mix different styles to create your own stunning composition. Please go through the video guide on how to load up the action and customize the effects.
Tested and assured The action has been tested and optimized to work with Photoshop CS6, CC, CC 2015, CC 2017.
Tested with more than 50 images to assure the integrity of the action.
Recommended size The action works with images of any size and any resolution.
The action will only work in the English version of the Photoshop. If you are not using the English version, follow this video to change it to English and then back to your native language.
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