DynCreator for DazStudio
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  • 发布时间:2016-3-4 16:10
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DynCreator for DazStudio
DynCreator for DazStudio可以变换任何道具为“动态布料”并与目前的插件dazstudio OptiTex动态布兼容。
DynCreator for DazStudio transform any prop into a "dynamic cloth" compatible with the Optitex dynamic cloth plugin present into DazStudio.
DazStudio already has a plugin to use Dynamic Cloth. But this plugin is only compatible with Optitex based Dynamic clothing. So, except if you already have a Optitex cloth, you cannot use dynamic cloth with DazStudio. And unless you buy the expensive Optitex tool to create your own dynamic clothes, you cannot create dynamic clothing compatible with DazStudio. What is really annoying.
Now, with this script, you are able to create your own dynamic cloth for DazStudio. You only need to have your cloth or your fabric imported as a prop. run the script, and your prop will be compatible with Optitex dynamic cloth plugin.
You can use this script:
* To create yourself a dynamic cloth or a dynamic prop
* To convert a Poser dynamic cloth to a DazStudio dynamic cloth
* To convert a conforming cloth into a dynamic cloth (can required some competences in 3D modeling)

精彩评论 2

kk112 发表于 2020-11-19 13:34:33 | 显示全部楼层
dl1226 发表于 2021-7-4 17:18:30 | 显示全部楼层
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