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Duration Project 2h 32m Files Included MP4
Mastering Portrait Editing in Photoshop
At the core of professional photo-editing is a thorough knowledge of how to take advantage of Photoshop’s most powerful tools and techniques. In this course, Mastering Portrait Editing in Photoshop, you will learn the basic principles of light, composition, and how to enhance a mood in your photos. This course takes a deep dive into specific techniques that allow you to work in a non-destructive way. First, you’ll learn about photo evaluation with the Histogram Tool, working in a targeted way with Adjustment Layers, Masks, Layers, and Blend Modes. Next, you’ll learn how to perform a quick clean up and how to convert a color image to black and white. Finally, learn how to enhance a photo with targeted adjustments and how to sharpen it in an intelligent way. When you’re finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of enhancing key elements of the image through manipulating light and shadows and how to make creative decisions regarding the development stage. This knowledge will help you as you move forward to professional photo-editing. Software required: Photoshop.
持续时间项目2 h32 m文件包括MP4
专业的照片编辑的核心是如何利用Photoshop 的最强大的工具和技术的深入知识。在这个过程中,掌握肖像编辑在Photoshop中,您将学习光、组成,以及如何提高心情在照片中的基本原则。本课程将深入探究特定技术使您可以在非破坏性的方式工作。首先,您将了解照片评价与直方图工具,在一个有针对性的方式,以调整图层、蒙版、图层,混合模式工作。接下来,您将了解如何执行快速清理和如何将彩色图像转换为黑色和白色。最后,学习如何加强有针对性的调整合影并如何锐化智能的方式。当您完成本课程,你将有基础知识的提高图像通过操纵光和阴影以及如何创造性决策发展阶段的关键要素。这方面的知识将帮助您,当您移动期待专业的照片编辑。所需软件︰Photoshop。
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